You fight like a girl

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This is a one shot so tell me how I do.

Percy's POV

Ares and I circled each other, examining the other person. Suddenly I lunged, aiming for his legs. He jumped and jabbed at my stomach. I parried and nearly missed getting stabbed in the chest.

Ares laughed. "You fight like a girl."

I remembered Bianca, who gave her life to stop Talos. I remembered Zoe, fighting Ladon, Silena and Clarisse charging fearlessly in the face of battle. I remembered Hazel fighting the giants on Arion, Piper fighting Enceladas in the final battle, Reyna accompanying the Athena Parthenos.

And finally I remembered Annabeth. My Annabeth, braving her fears, holding the sky, going on a solo quest, and surving Tartarus with me, and I smiled.

I looked Ares in the eye, stabbed him in the stomach and said, "Thank you."

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