Request number one

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I got a PM from emma_lawrence asking me to write a head cannon about Annabeth cheating on Percy.

This is not original.

Perry's back slid down the door. The constant rapping was giving him a headache. He needed to be alone. He needed to be away from her. She was the reason he was like this.

"Percy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I swear it."

He tried to shut her out, but her words kept entering his ears. He cursed his fatal flaw once again. She kept saying how sorry she was like it was an accident. It wasn't an accident. She did it to hurt him. She only wanted to hurt him.

The pounding of her fists on the door made it rattle and shake. She could sure pack a punch, even if it was being taken out on the door. She called out different nonsense hoping something would lure him out of his solitude.

"Percy, can we please talk about it," Annabeth pleaded. "Like adults? You're being childish about this whole situation.

That was it. That was the line that caused Percy to snap. He stood up and whipped the door open, his eyes dark with rage.

"Childish, Annabeth? Really? You'd stoop so low as to call me childish?" Percy screamed. "You cheated, Annabeth and you're sitting there calling me childish like it was my fault."

"Oh gods, Percy," Annabeth cried out in frustration. "It's just monopoly."

Did you see that coming?

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