Team Frank

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I HATE the war between Percy fans and Jason fans. Percy fans are always saying stuff like: Did Jason hold up the sky? Did Jason kill the minotaur? Did Jason do this, did Jason do that?

Guys, I'd like to remind you that Jason lead the assault on Mt. Othrys (I probably didn't spell that right) and he killed Krios... On his own. At the end, it was Luke that killed Kronos.

You also have to include the monsters that he killed during his years at Camp Jupiter.

I'm not saying this to prove that Jason is better than Percy. I'm just saying that Jason isn't completely useless and stupid like most fanfictions portray him.


So people always say that Annabeth has no powers. She's a daughter of Athena. Figure it out.

Also I've seen tons of books that compare powers. Heck, my book has a chapter on that.

I personally think Frank has the best powers. He can into a bird and fly. That's Jason's power. He can turn into an aquatic animal. That's practically one of Percy's powers. He can turn into a fire breathing dragon. Leo: Check. He can turn into a burrowing animal. Hazel: Check. He also as great battle and strategy skills thanks to Mars. Annabeth: Check. The only thing he can't do out of all the seven's powers is charm speak.

Forget Team Leo,  I'm on Team Frank.

This should be a thing.  #TeamFrank

Disclaimer: This is my humble opinion. Mine. If you have a different opinion, go publish it in your own book. Don't spam me in the comments.

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