The Seven at Preschool

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Percy, stop splashing in the water

Percy: splish, splash

Annabeth, share the Lego's with the other kids

Annabeth: I made the Eiffel tower

Jason, stop sticking your fingers in electric outlets

Jason: Sparky!

Piper, share the teddy bear with the other kids.

Piper: *charmspeaking* My teddy

Hazel, give those beads to me and come out of the corner

Hazel: *hiding in the corner, clutching beads*

Frank, come down from up there

Frank: *is now a bird* Caw,Caw

Leo, stop setting yourself on fire

Leo: Ooohhhhh!!!

Splish, splash.
I built the Taj Mahal!
My teddy.
*Still hiding in the corner*
Caw, Caw
This Boy is on Fire!!!!

Kill me now.

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