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I was tagged by my friend midnight_raid so here it goes.

1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Undefined. Never happened.

2. If you could see any band or singer perform, who would it be?
Weird sisters. But since I am currently not in the wizarding world, Fall Out Boy.

3.What do you normally wear when going out?
Clothes. And sometimes other clothes.

4.Name three facts about your family.
1. Everyone in my family had or has glasses.
2. I have a brother.
3. My dad has gray eyes, but everyone else in my family has brown eyes. It surprises some people when I tell them my ethnicity.

5. What's the best thing you can cook?
Until recently, PB&J. Now, scrambled eggs :)

6. If you could pick the appearance and gender of your kids, would you?
Not really. As long as one of the two is a girl I'm okay.

7. Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?

8. What's the most thoughtful gift you have ever received?
It's hard to pick, but probably a dolphin blanket and towel from midnight_raid because she knew how much I love dolphins.

9. What's your favorite hot drink?
Heated milk. I don't like coffee or hot chocolate (sue me)

10. Do you like flying on airplanes?
YES! The only form of transportation where I don't get motion sickness. (Which is why I think I am blessed by Zeus)

11. Who was your best friend when you were 6?
I had tons of friends in first grade, but my best friend(s) were Leah and Sarah. (My friends from school now wouldn't know them).

12. What was your favorite book as a child?
As a kindergartner, the Junie B. Jones series and the Magic Tree House series.

13. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents.
Carve pumpkins, so I can throw the insides at my brother.

14. What's your favorite kind of dessert?
Crème bruleé (is that how you spell it?)

15. Would you rather be hot or cold?
Hot. I can't stand the cold.

16. Do you like rain?
I love listening to the sound of rain, so yes.

17. What movie/T.V. show has ever made you cry?
I don't usually get emotional while watching movies, but Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief made me cry because of how bad it was.

That took forever.
I tag:





Next chapter will be an actual update.


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