I'm sorry!

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Unfortunately, Wattpad thinks this book is getting too long so it's making me publish this as the the last chapter.
So one last update before I go.

My crazy lunch table:

Pumpkin1234567890 : Why did the Doctor leave Rose, why! *dies*

ThatCrazyLunartic and HufflepuffAthenaGirl : Sitting in the far corner talking about who knows what. (what do you guys talk about anyway? )

monkeyhorsepanda8 and me : Oh my god... Anakin is the best, but why did he have to go to the dark side? *le tear*

MarauderNumber5: Oh my god... The Flash is so hot. But do I ship Barry and Iris or Barry and Linda? Someone help me!

magpie_author: Eragon is the best. Did you know the fifth book is coming out? Oh by the way, I got an A+ on the math final.

midnight_raid: Why did Zayne (from Ninjago) have to die? *sobs* But at least he came back to life.

And since my group of friends is so big, that isn't even half what goes on.

So before I leave I need to answer some questions that were asked.

1. Will there be a Percy Jackson Stuff 2?
No, there will not be, but I encourage all of my lovely readers to write on. Just title it Percy Jackson Stuff 2 and give me credit in the description (probably won't happen, but a girl can dream)

2. What happened to The Curse of Windsor Castle?

I unpublished it because I found a ton of flaws, but hopefully it will be up soon. :)

Now that this book is done, I will definitely be able to update my other books. So before I leave, I would like to thank all my wonderful readers and all my friends. This chapter is dedicated to those that are both. Thank you.

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