To Zoe: Dam?

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Zoe: What's so funny about that?

Percy: Nothing

Zoe: I am a lieutenant, a constellation, how dare you make fun of me?

Thalia: Don't start a dam war, Zoe

Grover: Yeah, take a dam chill pull, Zoe

Percy: Dam right

Zoe: What does dam mean?????

Grover: It's something that holds water back, oh my gods, Zoe, you uncultured swine

Zoe: What did you just say?

Grover: Um, nothing

Zoe: Me, an uncultured swine? At least I don't eat forks

Percy: Oh slay

Thalia: You're pretty good, for a constellation

Zoe: At least I'm not afraid of heights

Thalia: Oh no you didn't

Grover: Where has this conversation gone?

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