The ships of Olympus' children

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Percabeth's daughter: Look I built a sandcastle!

Annabeth: Wow, that's 30 feet tall how did-

Percabeth's daughter: I created a blueprint and used the sea to make it

Percy: That's my girl!

Jasper's son: Daddy look, too storm horses!

Jason: That's awesome!

Jasper's son: I think they belong together

Piper: No match making storm horses

Frazel's daughter: Mommy,  daddy,  I turned into a snake!

Frank: Good Job!

Hazel: A snake? I told you to show her the kinder animals first

Frank: She is the granddaughter of Pluto And Mars. I think that is one of the kinder animals.

Caleo's son: Daddy look,  I made my own bike!

Calypso: Please don't tell me those are rockets

Leo: I would, but then I'd be lying. LET'S SEE HOW IT WORKS!!

Nico: I'm just going to set under this tree

Will: Me too

Will: Nice sword

Nico: Thanks

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