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It was a beautiful night in the Garden of Eden; Emily often enjoys her walks in the light of the moon. Her flowers bloom with the right amount of dew, the sparkling river with koi fish was fresh as the air, and peddle stones produce a beautiful shine on their smooth surface. It was a place that seems like a perfect utopia.

As a spirit of Nature, she wouldn't feel tired or sleepy. But she still likes the dreams Sanderson always gives. As she was about to tuck herself in her flower bed and prepares to dream, a pain shot through her body.

"Something is not right." She said under her breath as sweat covered her face. She felt valuable and miserable. It was a feeling of evil in the world, that something was taken that should never have.

She quickly races out of her flower home, through her garden and race down to a rocky road. When she reached the end, her face was shocked. A jail cell that was in the cliff side was broken. The bars of rock scattered at her feet. The only thing remained there were tiny bits of black sand.

"No, it's no possible." Emily said in disbelief. "He's supposed to be too weak from that battle to break out."

Emily knew what this meant, and she was terrified. Her body could sense a powerful force that she kept hidden is stolen too. As she wonders what to do, a light shine on her. She looks up at her old friend in the moon; understanding what must be done.

"It's time isn't it?" she asks her friend.

She didn't require him to answer. She slowly walks backs to her garden and to a fountain in the middle. She took a deep breath and began to gather her energy, to sing a melody.

Now when the world is shadowed and dark

Now when the sky is empty of stars

Now when the world is wrapped in sleep

In a quiet endless and deep

In the silence of the night

As she sings the environment around her began to glow. As the beat turns up, she began to dance around.

Far off in the distance

A fire comes to life

A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark

Burning soft and bright

Dancing with the light

Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean

A flame is rising high

Breaking through the shadows and the dark

Shining in the night

Rising with the light

Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Soon the glow of the world began to go towards the sky and began to foam four symbols above the garden. The first was a snowflake, than a flower, next the sun and finally a leaf. Emily smiles as the powers of old gathered around her once again.

Now as the light starts to rise

Now as the day opens wide

Now as the dreams slips away

You wake to the day

You wake to the light

Here as your dream falls away

Feel as the dark turns to day

Leave the shadows behind

And the dream called in blind

Turn into the light

In between the symbols were auras of people that danced around the sky. Near the flowers was a girl with really long hair. The sun had a young woman in a dress with a sword. Next to the leaf was a young boy playing with a large creature with wings. And lastly, with the snowflake was a boy with a big staff. All the figures circled around their respective symbols.

Far off in the distance

A fire comes to life

A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark

Burning soft and bright

Dancing with the light

Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean

A flame is rising high

Breaking through the shadows and the dark

Shining in the night

Rising with the light

Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Soon those symbols and aura of people burst to dust and spared across the area. Then they made themselves into stardust and flew up to the Man in the moon.

Emily looks up and smiles; "now it's up to them." She proclaims

Far off in the distance

A fire comes to life

A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark

Burning soft and bright

Dancing with the light

Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean

A flame is rising high

Breaking through the shadows and the dark

Shining in the night

Rising with the light

Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

To light

Song: Awakening by Celtic Woman

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