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The girls wait at the cove, bored stiff. Since the boys left and went who knows where, they were left to set up camp and take care of things in the cove. Merida set up a camp fire area with a ring of rocks as seats. Rapunzel clean and descale any fish that Toothless didn't eat. As for Baby tooth, she was picking up any twiggy she can carry to help Merida with a campfire. It took everyone about thirty minutes to get everything ready, now there's nothing to do but wait. Merida lays back to her rock and leans out with her arms, cracking her back. While Rapunzel just paces around and generally look up.

"How long are they going to take?" She complains.

"You never know with boys." Merida answers. "My brothers can run all over the palace and they drive the servants mad."

Then the word palace stuck into Rapunzel's mind. When she goes back to her time she'll be living in a castle. She'll have servants, chefs, advisors and people bowing where ever she goes. That thought kinda scares her. Throughout this journey, Merida kept saying how awful and demanding palace life is. Would that be the same for her? Will her parents expect her to follow traditions she has no clue about? Will her parents even accept her for who she grew up to be? All these things cloud her mind like a fog. What was she to do?

But then she remembers that Merida is a princess. Maybe she can give a few pointers to help make a good first impression to the king and queen. It doesn't hurt to ask.

"Merida," Rapunzel began a little nervous.

"Yes?" She said looking at Rapunzel.

"Well," Rapunzel said rubbing her arm with nervousness. She knows what to ask but doesn't know how to word it right. "As you know...you are a princess..."

"Last I checked," Merida said a little confused.

"...and well... I'm a princess now...so I was wondering...I mean if you could...maybe..."

"Spit it out!" Merida said getting a little impatient.

Rapunzel took in a deep breath before talking really fast. "I was wondering if you can teach me how to be a princess?"

Merida shook her head and opened her eyes. "Wha?"

Rapunzel shrugs and talks a little slower this time. "I was wondering if you can teach me how to be a princess."

Merida didn't know what to say to that request. Sure Rapunzel is now a princess and is going to need to know the rules of palace life, but Merida isn't too sure she's the right person to teach her. First of all, they both live in different time periods. Maybe Rapunzel's rules are different then hers? Another thing to consider is that Merida has lived in a castle her entire life, while Rapunzel lived in a tower. Maybe it's too late to teach her anything?

"Please!" Rapunzel begged Merida with her hands clasp together.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Merida said baking up. "I'm not the type for begs."

"Sorry," Rapunzel said feeling kinda stupid.

"In any case, I know you're a princess now but asking me might be a bad idea." Merida said being completely honest. "You and I are from different times, maybe the rules have changed. Maybe you get to go where ever you want, eat what you want to eat, read what you want to read, paint whenever you like, maybe even have your own say in marriage."

"Maybe," Rapunzel said still unsure of her future. "But I don't know the first thing about being a princess. I don't know how to walk, to talk, to greet, to have everyone look at you and they know you are a princess."

"I'm still a bad example of that,"

"You're my only example."

Merida was taken back a bit, she usually does the opposite of being a proper princess. But Rapunzel seems determined to have Merida as her teacher.

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