Battle on Dragon Island

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The fog grew thick around the boats. The Vikings are used it thanks to their failed attempts to find the nest. But now they have a guide to lead them to their destination. Toothless. He was chained down at the chief's ship with a muzzle around his mouth. Toothless tried desperately to escape, but the chains were too strong. Now he has no choice but to lead them to the Red death's nest, to their doom. Soon, he'll hear her call, and be forced to follow it. As much as he dislikes these men, one of them is Hiccup's father and he would hate to see this man die. Who would be there for Hiccup when this is over?

Where ever Hiccup is, Toothless hopes he is safe.

"Arm yourselves," Stoick whispers to the men on the other ships. "And stay within ear shot."

Stoick was focused, ready for whatever was coming. He knows this will be the biggest battle of his life, and now he can end the tyranny of these beasts. If he wasn't so focused, he would jump for joy, couldn't wait for this to end.

He then thought about after the battle, he would have to deal with Hiccup and his friends. He still couldn't get why Hiccup would choose a dragon over his own father. What does he see in that beast? And more importantly, why he kept the nest a secret?

'Well, none of that matters,' Stoick thought as he looked ahead. 'I'll deal with that later. For now, we finish our war."

Nearby, Gobber stared into the water, seeing all the dead bodies and broken boats from times before. He couldn't get what he saw in that prison. Not only did those intruders show they truly care for Hiccup, but also a different side to Stoick he's never seen before. The way Stoick acted, it was almost like a dragon. Actually, the dragon on the boat showed more heart than Stoick did for his son. Sure, Gobber knew his best friend was hard headed, stubborn, and often times reckless. But to treat your own son like a wounded animal was wrong.

Then there was the thing Jack said, that Hiccup could've been taken away if people thought Stoick was hurting him. In some way, the entire village hurt him. Maybe he should've given his apprentice more support, be the mentor to him and care more for him then just his student. Maybe that would've avoided making contact with the dragon, and all of this.

'But if he never met the dragon, then he wouldn't have gotten some good friends,' Gobber thought. Throughout all his time on Berk, Gobber never saw people that cared for Hiccup like they did. They were treating more like a family then just a group on a quest. Gobber then thought that maybe it was wrong to see people like that in jail.

His eyes turned to Stoick who was still facing the path ahead, looking for any sign. Goober recognized Spitelout stepping forward to him. Gobber is certainly hoping he wouldn't pose to Stoick that his son should be heir. It's too fast, and stupid.

"So what's the plan brother?" He asked.

"Find the nest and take it," Stoick answer with a harsh tone.

"Ah good, the old Viking fall back, nice and simple, always works," Spitelout said with a proud smile. He then leans closer to Stoick. "Say, since that boy is a traitor, and that he's been sentenced, you should consider my son, your nephew for the-"

"That's enough," Goober said stepping in between Spitelout and Stoick. "Now is not the time for that."

"I say it's a perfect time for-" Spitelout began.

"Not here, not now," Gobber warns him. "Get back to your position."

Spitelout grumbles as he steps back to his spot, leaving Stoick and Gobber alone.

"You shouldn't be like that Gobber," Stoick said still looking ahead. "We are about to end this war, and take the nest."

Gobber looks at him, shaking his head. "How did it come to this?" he said in a disappointing tone.

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