Loosing Faith and Friends

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Jack was the first to be thrown out of the portal, onto a hard wooden floor. The rest landed almost on top of him, with the heavy dragon on top nearly crushing everyone with his wings.

"Get, off, of, me," he grunts while trying to breath. Toothless groan and rolled off while everyone tried to stand.

"Sorry," Rapunzel apologized as she helps Jack get back on his feet.

"No problem," he replied with a smile.

Then Rapunzel shivers while holding her arms, feeling the cold air around them. But it shouldn't be like that, North"s hideout wasn't so cold before.

"Umm, Jack," Hiccup said scared as he looks at where they are. "I don't think this is where you meant to send us."

Jack and the others look around to see that they weren't in the hideout, nor inside of any hut. The room was too big and snow covered the walls. They were back at North's office in his workshop at the pole. But it didn't look as welcome as before, the air was really cold and the light coming through the window was blocked by a thin layer of ice.

"I don't understand," Merida said in shock while trying to keep herself warm. "I thought the portal was going to take us to North."

"Maybe it thought of North as in the North Pole?" Hiccup ponders out loud.

"Either way," Jack said, "we better get out of here before anyone notices us."

The others agreed, but they knew it wasn't going to be an easy task. They're on Pitch's most wanted right now and going through the place with a dragon is going to be a challenge.

Then another thought came up. "How are we going to get out of here?" Rapunzel asks.

"Well," Hiccup thinks out loud. "If we can get to where the sleigh was, we can use the ramp to fly out."

"Or we can look for another snow globe," Merida suggests.

"Let's keep that in mind," Jack said. "I know the way to that ramp, and if you guys can fly on toothless, we can get outta here."

"We just need to be careful," Rapunzel said. "And keep an eye out for nightmares. Knowing our luck, I doubt they've left."

"Good point," Jack said before walking to the door.

He stopped before putting his hand on the knob. His heart was racing with fear, not knowing what to expect on the other side. He might have to fight a number of nightmares himself, or face his turned friends. Though he doesn't want to think like that, it was the most likely outcome. His worries then turned to North and Sandy. What could've happen while he was away? Are they alright, or turned into...

'No,' Jack thought. He shook his head to push that motion out of his head. 'They're fine. North is strong and wise, and Sandy is the most powerful guardian. There's no way that Pitch could turn them. Besides, he was busy dealing with us, he wouldn't have the time.'

But then he thought back to before he was a guardian and Pitch firing the black arrow at Sandy. It was possible that could happen again. And North...was it possible that the shadows got him now? No, it wasn't. His hideout was a secret, he didn't tell anyone about it, not even the other guardians. It was probably the safest place on earth, there was no way North is turned, Jack was sure of it.

He turns to his friends behind him, and watches them doing their best to keep warm. He knew that it was his turn to lead, and to keep things positive. He will protect his friends, no matter what it takes. "Is everyone ready?" He asks.

The group looked at him, and gave him a weak nod. Merida then reaches for an arrow and readies herself for a fight. Toothless nudges himself close to Hiccup, determined to protect him. As for Rapunzel, she just stood there and shivers. Unlike the others, she didn't have a weapon. Not that she didn't like using weapons to begin with. But she still has her hair to use in combat. It wasn't as long as before, but it can still be use as a whip and a lasso. It may not be as effected as an arrow or a dragon, but it was enough for her.

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