The Scottish lands

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The clouds move away from the sun, letting it shine down on the Scottish lands below. The eagles glide though the sky, looking for their pray. One lucky bird spots a small mouse scattering in the grass that's surrounded by a circle of stones. The mouse seemed to be separated from the rest of the pact. A perfect snack.

With great haste, the eagle started to swoop down and opens its talons to snag the mouse. But as it got close, the winds changed drastically and a blue magic whirlwind appeared out of nowhere. Scaring the eagle and the mouse away.

Out of the portal popped out Merida, Rapunzel, Jack, Hiccup, Baby tooth and Toothless, hurling them to the hard ground below. They all groan as they struggle to stand up as the portal disappears.

"Oh," Rapunzel groans while holding her stomach, feeling just as sick as last time. "That was the worst one yet."

"I hear you," Jack said leaning on his staff for support.

Then everyone heard a sickly groan. They all look to Toothless, who was new to this experience. His face grew green and he looked like he was trying to hold something down.

"Ummm Hiccup, is your dragon gonna be ok?" Merida asks while getting worried.

"Yes...No," he said though very unsure. As he got up he stepped backwards a bit. "Best to give him some space, just incase."

Everyone took that hint and stepped back. Toothless felt something coming up his throat, something gross. Soon he couldn't contain his upset stomach and barfed out a lot of fish all on the grass floor.

"Ewe," everyone said in disgust. But they became even more disgusted when Toothless ate that pile of half eaten fish.

"Ok," Rapunzel said turning away, becoming green, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

Jack ran to her side and held her to give her balance. "Easy," he said quietly.

When everyone felt better, they looked around and marvelled at the ancient stones around them. Then seemed very ancient, but also had a mystical feel to them. They all seemed to have patterns and symbols engraved in them,

"Wow," Hiccup said while studying one of them. "These are incredible."

"I agree," Rapunzel said looking around. "So this is your home Merida?"

"We're at the ring of stones," Merida told everyone.

"Obviously," Jack said in a joking manner.

"Just outside of my kingdom," Merida continues. "I can't exactly tell the portal to send us to my throne room and we just show up infront of everyone. That would be very bad."

"I hear you there," Hiccup said, agreeing with that statement, remember his dilemma with Berk and the thought of just appearing in front of everyone, and then explain to everyone your new friends and where you've been for days.

"So I picked this place," Merida gestures to the stones around them. "It's just outside, where no one can see us yet."

"Good plan," Jack said with a smile.

"Probably a good idea no one saw us being sick," Hiccup said while rubbing Toothless's head. "That time through the portal was horrible."

"Yeah," Jack said while twirling his staff over his shoulder. "I'm surprised we haven't seen a blue phone box yet in there."

He giggled to himself before looking at the others. He saw no one got his reference; their facial expressions were either confused or annoyed.

Jack groaned a bit, he should've expected this outcome, "forget I said that."

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