Hiccup's Sacrifice and Centre

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Fire quickly turned ash; it spreads and drifts down to the ground. It was quiet, like the grave. The wind was still, the sun refusing to shine through the darkness, and everyone was holding their breath. They all saw the Red death fallen to its demise and exploded into a giant inferno. But what if Hiccup and Toothless? They were nowhere to be found.

No one was more worried about their location then Stoick. When the way was clear he leapt into the ash ridden fog to find his son.

Meanwhile, Jack and the others are holding Pitch in place by the Gronckle's claw. The expressions on their faces describe how they were feeling. Rapunzel was starting to get very worry, Jack was getting angry for not helping him against the giant dragon, and Merida, well she couldn't decide whether to run out to look for Hiccup, or to jam an arrow in Pitch's eyes.

"Oh, poor Hiccup," Pitch said trying to feel ashamed. "I'm going to miss that boy."

"He's not dead," Merida said with a short temper.

"I'm sure," Pitch sarcastically said with a sickening grin. "I don't think he survived his little trip. I bet he's on his way to...what was it Vikings call in the afterlife?"

Without warning Merida grabbed pitch by his cloak and pulled him close to her angry eyes. "Don't you dare..."

"Merida no," Rapunzel said putting a hand on Merida's shoulders. "He isn't worth it."

"Besides," Jack comments while not taking a eye away from Pitch. "He's already lost."

Somehow, Pitch found that comment very funny. He started to laugh will throwing his head back. "Oh really?" He said. "I lost?"

"Yeah," Jack said, "we stopped you from spreading your corruption, and Hiccup destroyed your little pet. The Vikings and dragons will no longer be living in fear or terror. And as soon as Hiccup comes back, we will deal with you."

"I don't think so," Pitch said as he slaps Merida's hand away from him. "You're forgetting the big picture Frost. I don't want to just strike fear in this sorry little time line, I want to make the guardians no more. And as long as I keep you lot here, my minions are carrying out my orders in our time. Soon the Guardians will cease to exist, and my nightmares will reign over everything."

"We will stop you," Rapunzel said very angry. "Once we're done here we are going to kick your butt."

"Really? And what about Merida's time," Pitch said with an raised eyebrow. "If I understand correctly, you need to go there to get the thing you need to stop me."

"We will go there and stop you," Merida hissed at him.

"Going to be hard with one of your company gone."

"He has survived!" Merida snapped.

"Well, you'll just have to go look for him then. But don't be disappointed when you find nothing but a body of ash." Pitch makes a tornado of shadows and it starts to circle around him.

"No!" Jack yells as he blasts a shot of ice to stop him, but it just bounces off.

"Don't worry frost," Pitch said through his darkness, "I'm sure we'll meet again. And I'll be sure to send the family of DunBroch my condolences." As he laughs, the darkness swallows him and then vanished into the air.

The others looked at that spot with disbelief, "I can't believe we let him get away like that!" Jack yells with frustration.

Rapunzel rushes to his side and places her hands on his arms to calm him down. "Don't worry; we will get him next time."

"What could he be doing in DunBroch?" Merida wonders. "There is no reason to live in fear there. No one is ever really afraid, He'll be powerless there."

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