Rise of the Big Four

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Everyone split off to attack the closest thing near them. While the main group targeted the leaders, everyone else went after the minions. The only ones who didn't move were Jamie and Emily. Emily for being too weak to move, and Jamie helping her out. All they can do is hope to not get in anyone's way.

The dragon riders flew high with their dragons, taking care of all the airborne enemies.

"Oh yeah!" Snotlout yells as he had Hookfang burn a nightmare to ashes. "Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi,Oi, Oi!"

"Really," Astrid said shaking her head at the idiot Viking.

The twins were also having fun shooting down nightmares.

"This is chaos on a level I've never seen before," Ruffnut yells.

"Yeah," her brother agrees, "I wanna live here..."

"Forever!" His sister finishes as their dragon blew up a nightmare horse.

On the ground, the Vikings, the Scottish lords and the thugs fought side by side like a well-trained army. Anytime one fell down, someone was there to pick them up.

Gobber looked up to the twins and Snotlout flying above him. "Remember to aim at the big black guys and not at each other!" he yells as he slices away a nightmare

On the other side, Maximus grabbed a sword in his teeth and jabs a few nightmares away, while Pascal continued to hold on to the mane with dear life.

Flynn looked up, seeing dragons up there fighting the nightmares. "Oh wow," he said under his breath. "Hiccup isn't crazy after all. He is not going to let me hear the end of this."

He brought back his focus to the fight as a nightmare horse neighs angry at him.

"Just so you know," Flynn said fighting his fist on a frying pan, "I've had practice fighting a horse."

He the swings the frying pan, and engages in combat.

His girlfriend, Rapunzel, used the park to her advantage. She moved her hands so the plants around her respond to her command. She uses the trees nearby to try to grab a charging Tooth fairy, and made some roots and vines come up from the ground to shield her from the nightmares.

But Tooth was relentless; she kept dodging and flying all around Rapunzel to confuse her. She even swoops down to get Rapunzel to loose her balance.

Flynn finished off the horse and turned to see Rapunzel fighting against Tooth.

"Just when I thought I saw everything with the hair and the dragons," Flynn said under his breath. He then yells at the top of his lungs, "Blondie, catch!" He threw the frying pan in her direction.

Rapunzel looked up and commands a vine to reach out and grab it for her. When it grabbed it by the handle, the vine shrinks down so she can grab it in her hands.

As Tooth charges in again to swoop her, Rapunzel swings her frying pan and hit Tooth in the head. That made her fly back to the ground, knocked out.

"Frying pans," Rapunzel smirks as she twirls her frying pan in her hand. "Who knew right?"

Meanwhile on the other side of the battle, Hiccup and Toothless went tooth to claw with North and his swords. Hiccup also uses the rock nearby and the wind to attack North. But with every rock hitting the big man, the angrier he got. He charged at Hiccup with his swords high, but Toothless manages to get into the air just in time to get away.

"Ok bud," Hiccup whispers to him, "north like flying reindeers, let's see if he likes flying with dragons."

Toothless nods as Hiccup gathered as much air as he can muster. With a push of his hands, he made the wind current nearly blowing North off balance.

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