Meeting for the First time

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The light blinded Merida as she continues to fall. A power force did knock her around a bit like a rag doll; it almost made her sick in the stomach. But after some time, she finally lands on something soft. It took her eyes a while to adjust before she could examine where she is. The first thing that became clear was where she landed. It was a giant pillow, but instead of feathers, it felt like there were soft beads in it. Merida tries to move around, and the pillow helped keep her up.

"Angus!" She cried with a weak voice, hoping to hear her horse trotting to her. But she only hears the dry air around her. "Angus!" She says again, with no response. Clearly, she was all alone. There was no sign of Angus, or that weird figure that pushed her here. She sat up to get a good view of the room. It was old and dusty. It had rows of sleeves, but they didn't have a lot on them, just a couple of broken toys and junk. The things on the ceiling confused Merida, there were some form of glass hanging down, and a light is coming out of them.

Merida became so confuse at what just happened. One minute she was falling down a rabbit hole, the next she finds herself in this strange place. She got up out of her pillow and trying to find the strength in her legs. After a couple of steps, her legs worked again. As much as she wants to know what all these strange things around her are, she doesn't want to be someone's prisoner. So she sneaks around, trying to find any means of escape. Except the room became more of a maze. Everywhere you look; there are rows and rows of empty shelves. Merida did recognize something on one of the shelves, a wooden bulgier. It did have a weird shape and it had a different height than one she's used to, but the weight feels the same. If there's one thing her father taught her, is to try to have an upper hand in a fight. She needs to be ready for anything.

As she walks down another row, she heard a soft moan. It sounded male, and it came from around the corner.

"Toothless..." it called out weakly.

Merida puts her back to a shelf and waits to see what might happen. She controls her breathing so the guy wouldn't hear it. She closed her eyes to hear the guy's footsteps. He seems to stumble a bit. Maybe light on his feet and a bit clumsy. He sounded like someone Merida can easily clobber. Merida readies herself as the guy came closer and closer. When he is about an inch away from her, Merida stepped out and swings the bulgier in his direction.

"Whoa!" Hiccup cried out in fear as he ducks away from the bulgier. He fell backwards onto his butt. "Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Merida held her weapon at the ready. "Alright you! Talk!" she threatens him. "Who are you?! Why did you bring me here?!"

Hiccup looked at her, trying to use his hands as a shield. "Look lady! I have no idea what you are talking about!"

Merida refused to let that be his answer. "Who is in charge around here?!" She continues to ask questions angrily. "Where is the exit?! Why would you kidnap me?! What do think the outcome will be?! When my father hears-"

"Hey!" Hiccup said, finally finding his voice. "Look! I don't know what is going on here! I've been kidnap by a giant man with white hair, and I have been in a sack for a while. So I really like to know what's going on here too, and maybe find a way out of here."

Listening to him, it calmed Merida to know that the boy isn't a threat. Not that he really looked like one. One look at the boy's pleading eyes, she could tell that he is telling the truth. She lowers her bulgier and offers a hand. Hiccup was hesitant at first, but then took it as Merida helps him up.

"Sorry about that," she said feeling a little ashamed at yelling at the boy.

"It's alright," he said dusting the dirt off, "to be honest, I've gotten quite used to people yelling and pointing weapons at me."

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