Rapunzel's Tears and Centre

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Maximus raced through the forest, breaking almost every branch he came through. He didn't stop for one second to catch his breath. For any second lost, could mean that Rapunzel was one second closer to danger. She was such a sweet girl to Max; he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Rapunzel's safety wasn't just on Maximus's mind, it was on everyone's. Everyone on Maximus's back was really concern about her. But that concern became determination, to get to her a lot faster.

Maximus picked up speed as they went through the grassy curtain and through a tunnel. Then everyone saw it, the tower. It certainly looked the same as ever, but the dark clouds above cast a shadow of gloom in the area.

Wasting no time, Flynn jumps off Maximus and race to the base of the tower. "Rapunzel!" He cried out. He waited only for a second before yelling again. "Rapunzel let down your hair!"

But he got no response. He became frantic, wanting to know that she's safe. Hiccup and Merida both jump off of Maximus and met Flynn at the base.

"I don't like this," Hiccup said speaking his mind.

"Never mind that," Flynn said as he grabs some of the stones at the base. "I'll climb myself." With that, he starts to lift his body to his hands and started to climb.

"Are you nuts?" Merida said to him. "You could fall off and die if you climb that way."

"I don't care," Flynn said with determination. "I have to know she's ok." It seemed like nothing was going to stop Flynn. He just wanted to see Rapunzel's smile again, and know that she is safe.

Then, from the top of the tower, and loud clicking sound can be heard. Everyone looked up to see a stream of golden hair making its way down to meet them.

Flynn let out a huge sigh of relief, Rapunzel is still alive. Wasting no time, he grabbed the hair and began to climb it.

"Wait!" Hiccup whispers to Flynn, making him stop. "This is too weird. Rapunzel let down her hair but didn't answer to us, it's clear something is not right."

"I agree," Merida nods. "It could very well be a trap up there." Even Maximus agreed that it's a trap.

But Flynn shook his head and continued to climb. "Rapunzel is up there and alive, I have to see her." He wasn't going to let anyone talk him out of this. His mind was set of seeing Rapunzel, no matter the cost.

Merida huffed that Flynn wouldn't listen to reason, while Hiccup hatch a thought. 'There has to be another way into the tower. How else could Gothel got herself and Rapunzel back in without the use of the hair.'

He began to race around the tower, till he found the hidden doorway in the bushes. "Merida, over here!" He whispers to make sure no one on the upper levels can hear him. The last thing they need is to announce a surprise attack.

Merida got the hint and signals Maximus to stay put, while she and Hiccup began to race up the stairs.

Flynn finally reached the top, and hauls himself inside. "I never thought I'd see you again," he said never feeling so happy. But then the happiness turned to horror. He can see the room becoming very dark, with broken glass shards on the floor. But the sight that really terrified him was seeing Rapunzel gagged and chained to the wall. Her eyes widen with fear, and her cries were of warning.

As Flynn tried to figure out what is happening, a sharp pain went into his backside and straight through his stomach. His whole body cringed at the pain, and fell down on the floor. He got a glance at a shadow above him, a woman now holding a bloody dagger.

"Now look at what you've done Rapunzel," Gothel said coldly as she walks over Flynn's body. She smiles at Pitch, who is still holding Jack with his shadows, before turning her attention back to Rapunzel. "Don't worry dear; our secret will die with him."

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