Pitch is Back

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The four of them follow North to the lower level of his workshop, observing the yetis hard at work. They even saw little fairies flying by to help any way they can. The elves on the other hand only experiment with the decorations and lights, which kinda end up as a disaster. North often stop as a final inspection, or to sign some paper work. During that time, Hiccup step out a couple of work tables to observe the details on how to make something amazing. Rapunzel gathers her hair to make sure no one steps on it, and then stops almost as often to look at the toys too. Well, more for the colour of each toy. She even gave a yeti some advice on a doll house that was completely pink.

"If you add some purple to the roof, and white for windows and door, it will be beautiful." She said.

The yeti thanked her for the advice. North stepped up in front of the yeti to tell him to make it happen. The yeti then groan to see he almost had to redo all the doll houses he made.

As for Merida, all she did was stepping out the yetis way as the walk pass her with arms full of toys.

Soon enough, all of them made it to what look like an office, but more kid friendly. There were toys and splashes of colour everywhere. The walls were glossy covered snow and one real wall that had a almost a stain glass window. Everywhere were ice like toys, decorations twinkling with beauty, and crystal snow sparkling like stars.

Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel became amazed to see all of this, but Jack thought of something different. He's been through this kinda thing before, and knows what's coming. So he made his way to the other side of North, who presented the other three with a tray full of cookies.

All three of them shake their head, and politely said no. North force the tray to Jack as he walks closer to the others. "Now, we get serious." He said measly. As the three if the wondered what he means, the door behind them closed and locked itself.

Rapunzel screamed in fright, and Hiccup jumped a bit. But as for Merida, she put on a brave face. "What's the meaning of this?!" She shouts.

But north came close to her, and with one hand pushed her back to the other two. "Who ARE you three?!" He said a little threatening. "What is your centre?!"

At first terrified, the three of them became confused. "Centre?" Hiccup repeats to try to understand.

"If the man in the moon chose you, if Mother Nature's power chose you, you all must have something very special inside you." North explained.

"Something special?" Merida questions out of curiosity.

"Believe me, I don't have anything special." Rapunzel said, trying to avoid talking about special powers.

"Me too," Hiccup agreed. "I'm nothing special, just a 90 pound weakling."

"It takes more than appearances to make someone special." North said with confidence. He then turns his eye to Jack. As if reading his mind, Jack puts down the tray of cookies, and reached for an old nesting doll that represents North. He then tosses it to North, who caught with one hand. Then he presents it to Rapunzel, who looks at it with fright.

"Look," he said, "this is how you see me right. But if you get to know me a bit...well." He gestures her to open the doll, but she's too scared to, thinking it was a trick. So she quickly hands it off to Hiccup. After a careful look, he twists the doll and opens the lid.

Inside was a happier North. "You are jolly?" Hiccup jokes as he passes the doll to Merida.

"Not just jolly," north said as he notions Merida to continue opening the doll. When she did, she found another picture of North, but the cloth covered his mouth and his eyes were suspicious.

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