Dear Fay,
It's been almost a week since we decided to cut off our friendship. Two days since you blocked me. It's getting worse. I mean I'm getting more stressed. Questioning with what you agreed with me on. I'm also getting depressed. I'm feeling betrayed. I know your dad probably told you to block me but still. I never once thought your life was perfect. I mean it's a fact, no one's life is perfect. No one has a perfect family. That doesn't even happen in fictional worlds. People keep saying if we meet long distance friendships are hard. But- I once believed that ours was working. I wonder how your doing all the time. My parents have this stupid rule where I can't bring my phone to my room and I loathe that rule. I hate it so much. I miss seeing your edits so fucking much. As the saying goes, "it's the little things in life". I only now realize that. The little everyday conversations our bickering about you being Merida and me being Gothel. My mom's mad at me. She doesn't even fucking understand or see that I'm upset. Not even my dad understands. Yay, alliteration! Higgins is sleeping, unlike when he jumped onto the table yesterday. Back to my mom, she doesn't even know you exist. So I guess I can't really be mad at her can I? I'm thinking of going to Walt Disney World in a couple years. Maybe you'll want to meet me then? You said I was gone all summer. That's a lie. I talked to up all summer long since the second week of June. All over iMessage sure I wasn't on Instagram but we texted all summer long. So yes, I thought nothing changed since we talked the entire summer. I'm scared my ears keep getting clogged. So, when I wake up I can't hear. I couldn't hear my mom and all I heard was 'poop' then she's like 'you're so stupid Rose!' Alright woman okay!!!! And since I have mental illnesses like autism I was a really late talker. So when she was like, 'I wish I never taught you how to talk,' it hurt. Words cut deep. What kind of parent says that to their kid?! It's just rude. It's not helping me. I was trying to read a book for school and her words kept echoing in my head. 'Yes, I called you stupid.' 'I wish I never taught you how to talk.' She knows she did that on purpose. Brielle says she didn't mean any of this. I just wanna run away. Or die. I'll try to stay alive.
Wish me luck,
Dear Fay
RandomWhen your internet best friend decides you've come too close what do you do after you part ways? One way would be talk about it. Another would be to become depressed or even suicidal. Rose's way is to write. And she writes, pretending to talk to Fay...