No One Cares

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Dear Fay,

There's this cold feeling that chills you to the bone with a cold feeling left in your stomach? That is me now. That's how I feel. It chills you to the bone, pushing you down with no way of escape. Thats the truth. Now you know. I'm also scared. No, terrified. Actually neither. I don't know what I feel. My dad doesn't want to travel for work and thats what his job calls for. So, we're moving. Not hugely just to a smaller house. And I don't know what to do. If I tell anyone I'm betraying my family. And that gives me a taste and my mouth and feeling in my throat that can only make me feel like I need to puke. It's gross, but it's the truth. I'm numb. I'm beyond feeling and beyond repair. How someone, more specifically as in a romantic someone could love me is far beyond me. I mean look at me. I've got scars  and no one can fix them. I don't mean look at me physically, because I may look fine. But if you look underneath my hard shell. It's nothing. I'm just a puddle of nothingness. And nothing can change that. I guess that's life. And let me tell you, it sucks. My brain keeps telling me no one cares. But, people say they do. But, when you hear no one cares more than 'I care', you start to believe that no one cares about you and thing that someone caring about you would be pure bull shit. 



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