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Dear Fay,
So I'm almost 100% sure my dad turned off my data because when I brought it up he ignored the topic. Anyways. Then he's like I think I'm making you anxious but then he starts naming things I need to do which makes me more anxious and now I can't breathe and I want to cry. I have no contact to you and every time this happens it kills me. From the inside out. You're my rock. And it's like an earthquake has struck. The thing is though I wasn't mad at him until he wasn't leaving. Like you said you were going to leave but you're still here. Why the fuck aren't you leaving?! It's so fucking weird. LIKE BITCH LEAVE!!!!!!! UGH. And now I can't breathe so I'm just gonna cry and listen to Sabby. Oh and like I always do, wish I could have contact to you, or even better, be next to you. I really need a hug babe. I don't know how to process anymore. I love you so so much it hurts. And what you were saying last night about yourself aren't true. You matter. Even if your world comes crashing down. You can always depend on me to be your rock. I love you so so fucking much.

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