Chapter 1

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Cinder leaned against the counter and watched Iko display dresses to some girls. They were in the masquerade section.

She wondered why these girls wanted to wear such heavy and uncomfortable dresses,  They were squealing about something and Iko  joined them too. They went and checked out some more fancy tops and dresses.

Soon those girls picked their dresses and came to ring it up, they all had the goofiest smile on their face's, "He is really gonna notice me in this dress." said a girl.

"Oh he is soooo handsome I wish my dress colour matches his." cinder grimaced.

Cinder didn't have any idea about whom they were talking about. She scanned their dresses "It's 2000 univs." one of them took a  2000 univs  note and handed it to her , she put the dresses neatly in a bag and gave it to them, "Thank you, please visit soon." They left the store .

She sighed and sat down,   Iko came running to her, "Did you see them, oh Cinder I can't wait to pick my dress for the party and by the way what dress are you gonna wear?" Cinder grimaced, "What party iko?" Iko's pupils dilated,  with a serious look on her face she questioned, "Oh cinder don't tell me you forgot actor Kai prince's birthday?"

Cinder gasped, oh that's what it was about April 7 is famous actor Kai's birthday which was 5 days away, that's why iko was practicing her twirls all around the store the whole week, she never wanted to go to some stupid ball and even if she wanted to her step mother wouldn't  allow her.

She always made her to do the chores and work in the boutique, at first she hated this work but after Iko joined the store  she had some funny moments even though iko was always fan girling about Kai. Always.

Iko waved a hand in front of her,"Earth to Cinder answer my question how did you forget Kai's birthday."

Cinder flinched, "Well, I didn't notice?"

Iko threw her hands in the air, "YOU DIDNT NOTICE? Oh Cinder people wear putting up banners and posters all over the city and you are saying that you didn't notice?!"

Cinder sighed "Alright alright I didn't notice, sorry and any way I was not waiting for this day like you and peony were  and it doesn't matter."

"IT DOSENT MATTER? Cinder it's our favourite hero's birthday." Cinder shook her head and pointed, "Your favourite."

Iko sighed, "Fine my favourite hero's birthday and this year he is throwing a ball and I heard some rumours that he is looking for a bride, oh Cinder what if he chooses you!"

Cinder laughed "What? He will never choose me and even if he notices me he'll never even talk to me leave alone marrying me and I don't believe in rumours."

Iko scowled, "Why are you so pessimistic Cinder? You are beautiful and smart he will choose you." Cinder got up and walked towards the shelves and started arranging the clothes.

"Iko stop day dreaming and start working we have a lot of work to do otherwise our boss will have a fit." Iko walked up to cinder and turned her to face her, "Cinder why are discouraging yourself and ME?"

"Iko I am not going to that stupid party and if you want to go, best of luck but I am going to work." Iko folded, her arms "Work? Seriously cinder who will come to a boutique at 1:00."

Just then the door bell jingled, Iko and cinder looked up at the front door, it was a man wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, Iko whispered in her ear, "This man has no sense of fashion, he is wearing a grey sweatshirt in summer and that doesn't suit his clothes, eww!!!!"

Cinder ignored her and went up to that man "Sir what can I do for you?" just then she recognised the copper brown eyes that stared at her.

she gasped it was ..... It was ......oh my god KAI PRINCE.

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