Chapter 13

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Cinder's hand was still in the old man's grip , she tried to pull it but he didn't let her go , he was just staring at her , she cleared her throat , the old man looked as if he came back to his senses , " oh I am sorry , but how did you come here my child "

" I was kidnapped by that levana " , the old mans eyes widened , " oh my god , you must leave , if levana saw you then she will surely kill you , quick leave and i know a best hiding place , others can also come " , he began to pull her but cinder didn't walk with him , " why would she kill me ? "

The old man began to speak but he closed his mouth , " this isn't a safe place I will explain everything later " , the old man started to pull her again , but wolf stopped him , " why should we trust you Mr ?"

The old man raised his eyebrows , " it's Dr Erland , and you should trust me because you can't trust anyone other than me. " wolf moved back , he pulled cinder with him everyone followed , they reached the front gate , wolf distracted the soldiers , while the others sneaked outside

Everyone including wolf got into the car , Émile started the car and carefully drove it to the main road , " where should we go?" She asked , Dr erland thought for a while , " go straight , take the first left turn drive , little further and stop near an old abandoned house "

Émile did as she was said , cinder was sitting near the driving seat , that old man , scarlet and wolf were seated behind , wolf's body was so huge that he took half the back seat leaving only a small place for scarlet and the doctor , he began to notice it so he gently picked scarlet up and made her sit on his lap , leaving the rest of the place to the doctor who was sticking to the car door like a lizard

Scarlet blushed at this , cinder and Émile were giggling like kids , wolf didn't mind anything though

Soon they reached the place which Dr erland had mentioned , they got down from the car , they walked near the abandoned house , it was an old building , the walked into the house , " come on let's go upstairs and talk about it " , they climbed the stairs , each stair creaked when they kept foot on it , the stairs shook when wolf started to climb because of which scarlet lost her grip but wolf caught her quickly

She blushed and stood up , " t-thank you " , wolf nodded his head and followed her , they reached a room , they walked inside , it was a drawing room , Dr erland gestured toward the chairs , they took the chairs and sat down

Wolf became impatient , " quick tell us you pretty secret I have to leave soon my absence will make the others get caught " at this cinder remembered about her escape ," oh stars they would have found out about me " , Dr erland shook his head , " no they will not , they will come to know only tomorrow "

This eased cinders fear , " ok let us continue " , Dr erland stood up from his seat , " cinder ? Do you remember anything from your childhood ?" , cinder thought for a while , " I was adopted when I was three years old and after a year my stepfather died due to a cancer , and after that my stepmother became so cruel to me and made me work for her "

Dr erland nodded , " and before you were adopted ?" , cinder shook her head , " no , I don't remember " , Dr erland walked to a net screen and turned it on , the netscreen showed a picture of her a small version of her standing infront of a big palace , beside her was a woman just like her and to her other side was levana this shocked her

Everyone's eyes widened too , Dr erland spoke , " this the picture of you on your third birthday " cinder stared at it , she couldn't believe it , she finally managed to find her voice , " but why is levana standing beside me ? "

" because she was your aunt cinder , and you were Selene " everyone starred in disbelief , " what?" Émile and scarlet said in unison , " yes cinders aunt was levana and the other person beside her is her mother channary , levana's elder sister "

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