Chapter 5

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Fire crept through cinder's hand, she screamed and thumped on the floor, she struggled to run away, but she couldn't run fast she was hobbling, the flames came over her body and burnt her....

Cinder screamed and woke up the doctor was startled, she turned around and saw that she was in a hospital, she didn't have any memory of coming here.

The doctor came before her, "please lay down, you need some rest" cinder scowled at her, "why am I here? what are you doing to me? " suddenly adri came in, "I'll say why you are here" adri was standing just few inches away from cinders bed, cinder flinched, "you idiot you killed my daughter....." Adri's voice was cut off with her sobs, "you crashed on to the truck and now my daughter is dead"

Tears rolled from cinders eyes " what...?" 

  "yes you useless thing she is dead because of you and only you, if you would have concentrated in driving she would have...would have....been alive" adri started to cry.

Cinder eyes filled with more tears, "adri I...I didn't know .......I am sorry...I love her too" Adri face grew even more red from rage, "you don't deserve to say sorry.....and don't you dare say you love her" pearl came in she saw cinder and her face filled with disgust.

"Mother lets go i don't want to see her face one more time" adri sniffed her nose, "yes dear we should go, and cinder don't you dare come to my house, you clearly dont belong here or anywhere because you are a murder" 

Tears rolled out of cinder's eyes, she got off from the bed and caught adri's wrist,  "what? Where will I go ....... I don't have any place to go ......and what will I do" Adri turned around, "I will not tolerate you any more cinder, I don't want to lose my other daughter, I don't know what you will do or where you will stay but just stay out of our lives"

Adri started to walk out but cinder ran behind her, "adri please .....please don't leave me please I can't live like that ......I.." Adri turned around and screamed, "THEN DIE " adri caught pearls hand and walked out.

Cinder shrank down and buried her face in between her legs and started to cry suddenly the door opened she looked up and saw iko , she got up to her feat, " IKO! " she pulled her into a hug and started to cry on her shoulder, iko returned the embrace, "cinder what happened? I came running as soon as I heard you were admitted" cinder still crying on her shoulder managed to find her voice.

" Iko....iko....peony is dead.....and adri.....says it's my fault.....she threw me out....of the house....and I don't know what to do now....."

"What?" Suddenly she heard a manly voice, she looked up and saw him was Kai , how did he come here? did iko tell him? And she was really surprised that his fans didn't follow him.

Cinder snapped out of her thoughts as iko screamed, " WHAT ? ......WHAT ARE YOU SAYING CINDER?" tears pooled from iko's eyes, "Is peoney really dead? .....oh my god....did adri really throw you out..what will you do now" cinder shook her head, " I don't know ...I...."

"we should find a place for her to stay" Kai spoke up cutting off cinder, Kai reached over to her and pulled her to a hug, cinder froze, "I am really sorry for your sister, I don't think it's your fault, so don't blame yourself "

He pushed her back to arms length and led her to her hospital bed, "I think you should rest" cinder obeyed him and got on the bed.

A nurse came in "mam you have to pay the bill" cinder was shocked, oh no she didn't have money then how will she pay, just then Kai came forward, "how much is it?" the nurse saw the bill, "it's 500 univs sir" Kai held his wrist, the nurse scanned it and smiled "thank you sir " with that she walked out.

Cinder got up, "Kai thank you but as soon as I get money I'll return..." Kai cut her off " no need, think of it as a thank you gift for helping me before" 

 "I just let you use my port and I don't think ....." Everything was blur she caught her head, cinder stumbled back, Kai quickly caught her, iko held her other arm.

The doctor who was baffled by all those drama came to her senses and came toward her, "I think you shouldn't strain yourself, you are weak and you need ample rest, please lay down " Kai helped cinder get onto the bed, cinder got onto it and pulled the sheets, "fine cinder I'll help you till you get discharged" Iko pulled the chair and sat down.

Suddenly iko's phone rung, she looked at it and frowned "mom's calling she didn't allow me to stay here, I am really sorry cinder I need to go" cinder shook her head, "no problem iko I can stay safe, no need to worry about me, you can go" Iko got up, "but you can't stay alone"

Kai spoke up, "I will stay here, is that ok cinder?" cinder shook her head, "No thanks Kai, you will have a lot of work to do p, no need to waste time here, and it is 8:00 pm you should go" Kai came forward and sat on the chair beside the bed, "I am not wasting time, I need to help and I don't think you will be safe, what if some evil stepmother comes and stabs you, you do need a hero to save you right" Kai grinned and winked.

Cinder laughed "oh Mr.prince I didn't know you were my hero, alright my hero you can stay and protect me" Kai grin grew larger, "phew ...Ms.linh it is really a hard time to persuade you" his face lit up, staring at Kai she remembered the person who had always talked about him

peony loved the way he smiled, if she were here she would have swooned and giggled if....if she would have survived and this is all her fault, she should have shown concentration while she was driving and this was her fault.

A tear dropped from her eyes "oh could I lose are the only one I loved"cinder mumbled to her self and drifted off to sleep.

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