Chapter 2

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"Oh we are Late we have twenty minutes left and then we should move to your speech at movie federation after that we have to rush to your fitting and then we have shooting too SO PLEASE GET READY SOON SIR KAI." Kai flinched as Torin shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Come on torin just a break, I was working non stop for 4 hours." Kai exclaimed spreading his hands.

"Oh we don't have time for your breaks and get ready, our escort will be hear soon."

Torin said and closed the door. "Huhhh." Kai slumped onto the coach, oh he was not ready for his schedule, he wanted to sleep as he was so tired.

He went to the terrace and looked at the city, all the people were so happy and most importantly free. How he wished he was free and able to enjoy the teenage life that other kids were able to enjoy.

After sometime torin started tapping the door, "Sir Kai your escort has come please open the door." kai scowled, "Oh no I don't want to go." Kai whispered to himself, he saw a rope on the table an idea stuck to his mind!

He looked down and found that the terrace was not way too high so he thought of jumping down and later he would comm Torin so that he would not worry about him and anyway he wanted to be free and enjoy life right?

He put on his grey sweatshirt and threw the rope down, he slowly climbed down and ran off from the hotel.

He was careful not to show his face especially to the fan girls. As he walked down the avenue he realised that he forgot his port screen,"Damn it." he couldn't think about all the news about him missing, he wanted to tell Torin that he was safe so Torin would'nt inform the police.

"There goes my idea of being free." he whispered to himself.

He saw around and couldn't find a soul in the side walk, he turned around the corner and saw a shop, he thought that someone will be there to lend him a port so he started walking towards the store.

When he got near the store he found that it was a boutique, "Luna fashion that's a weird name." he entered into the store, there where no people around suddenly he caught sight of a girl, she was so beautiful, more like pretty, she had tan skin and had brown hair and brown eyes.

There was another girl with blue hair, she whispered something to the other girl but she ignored it and started walking towards him he couldn't help but stare, "How can I help you sir?"she looked at him and gasped oh no did she find out?

" sorry Kai prince I didn't recognise you how can I help you?" she asked with her head down maybe to show respect for his status that looked awkward.

"Please no need ..... these.........ummm....respectful things I just wanted to use your port as I forgot mine I wanted to comm my secretary." she nodded and walked to the counter and picked her port and gave it to him.

"Here." he took it from her and typed a message to Torin and gave it back to her, "My secretary will be here soon thank you." she smiled, wow it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen! Why does this girl have so much effect on him?

After five minutes the bell at the front door jingled, Torin came running towards him, "Where have you been? I have been searching for you." kai scratched the back of his neck, "Ummm....well." Torin was impatient, "Now there is no time come on." kai nodded, "Fine coming."

He walked towards the girl, "Thank you for helping me and I hope to see you again." she smiled the same smile she gave him before, "My pleasure." he started walking towards the front door, he suddenly turned back "May I ask your name?"

She stammered "It's Cinder." kai smirked, "Well Cinder will you come to my birthday ball as my special guest?" she frowned, "Ummm...I don't know...."

"She'll come." said the blue haired girl who was silent all the time, "Oh that's great, I'll be counting the moments." he said dramatically and took her hand and kissed the back of it, she was shocked, as he exited he heard the blue hair girl squeal, he got into the hover and Torin started driving.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUMPED OUT OF THE TERRACE?" Torin shouted, oh no was torrin going to lecture him?

"What were you thinking? You thought you can just ditch the meeting and go be free? I warned you that this was an important meeting but you still were selfish."

"What a meeting with a bunch of old directors and some actors is important for you?" Kai exclaimed in a sarcastic tone, "Well if you forgot Sir may I remind you that Miss Levana is also attending and I don't think she'll be happy with your delay." he said matching his sarcastic tone. kai's heart stopped for a second when he heard Levana's name.

Oh no if she's gonna come this would be something dangerous something not simple.

Luna Fashion - kaider fanfic(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now