Chapter 14

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Scarlet , Émile , cinder and wolf reached levana's house , during the drive cinder downloaded a map of levana's home in her port screen , she made a mental plan about it and forwarded it to scarlet and Émile , " scarlet , you and Émile go to that right wing of her house that is the place where the files about her illegal immigration and activities are stored " scarlet and Émile nodded

They tiptoed to the entrance and hid behind a truck which was delivering some goods to levana's house , the street was deserted and was dark ,cinder glanced at the entrance there were only mutated guards guarding the gate , she could also see a resting room for the guards and then she remembered about the keys

" wolf your duty starts in ten minutes right? " , wolf nodded , " yes and my brother would be here soon " , cinder nodded thoughtfully, " does that room over there-" she gestured towards that resting room , " has the keys to open the room with the files ? " , wolf nodded , " yes there are a lot of keys there " wolf thought for a second , " ahh there is a master key to all the rooms in here if we can get that we can easily open any door in here "

" perfect , alright let's go there " she turned towards scarlet and Émile, " scar , Émile as planned before you guys will go to the files room and get all the files which is against levana , I will go with wolf and get that master key and the other keys which we need "

Scarlet questioned , " but how? I don't think that guys will just let you take it " cinder glanced at the building and was thinking about a way to enter and an idea struck in her head , " look- " she gestured to the boxes which were taken into the building, " we can get inside those boxes and we will be taken inside before wolf enters in and then with the help of wolf I can sneak inside that guard room and steal that key and I will give it to you guys , alright ?"

Scarlet Émile and wolf nodded , " And I will disable all the cameras for five minutes and send you a signal within that time you have to get as many files you can take , meanwhile wolf will get Kai and run away to Dr erland's flat , you guys should also come there as you get the files , deal? " , everyone answered , " deal " cinder saw those delivery men take those boxes

" alright come on let's get inside those boxes , wolf you leave " , cinder , scarlet and Émile climbed inside the truck , while wolf quietly walked to the entrance , cinder opened those boxes , Émile shrieked in a low voice , " cinder there are pins , measuring tapes and cloth in here , I-I don't want to get poked by a pin or any other sharp object " while scarlet lifted that cloth , " hmm nice quality, it's so soft and silky "

Cinder slapped there arms , " you two stop your nonsense, you know this is a do or die situation " Émile pouted , " Émile that box is big enough to fit you so get inside " , Émile frowned and got in , scarlet literally jumped inside another box , cinder heard the men coming so she quickly got inside a box and closed the lid , it was dark inside the box but there was hole on the side

Three men came to the truck , they were talking about something but cinder couldn't catch there words , they lifted the boxes , cinder could clearly hear them now " Man this is so heavy than the other boxes " , cinder mentally giggled , they neared the gate and were about to enter suddenly someone said 'ouch' from somewhere, it was none other than Émile , cinder glanced through the hole , cinders heart skipped a beat due to the fear of getting caught

A guard came forward , " hey what's that noise " he asked in a threatening voice, the three men shook there head , " no we don't know " , the men's brows furrowed, " it was coming from inside the box , give it to me let me check it " , the men were about to hand the box , cinders heart raced faster due to fear

Suddenly a man from outside yelled an 'ouch' , it was wolf , those men turned towards him , " alpha Kelsey was that you? " , wolf straightened, he cleared his voice , " yes , I am sorry " he said , then the guard moved back and gestured the man to go

Cinder internally thanked the stars , the men then kept the boxes down and went to take another box ,as soon as he was out of sight cinder, Émile and scarlet came out of the box , they took in a deep breath as there was a lack of oxygen inside the box, after that cinder and scarlet turned towards Émile and glared at her , Émile grinned , " sorry "

Suddenly wolf ran towards them , " good , I thought that scarlet will get caught " , scarlet glared at him , while cinder and Émile shared a known smile , " alright come on wolf let's get the key " , cinder and wolf ran towards the resting room , they were about to enter but two men came in front of them ,  quickly hid behind a steel cart , she was breathing heavily, wolf managed to say some excuses and made them leave

After they left wolf once more checked inside the room and turned towards her and gave a thumbs up , she slowly came out and entered the room , " wolf stay near the door and make sure that no one enters " , wolf nodded , " she quickly ran towards the shelf and began searching for the master key , she couldn't find it she then quickly checked another shelf , she heard some noises coming from outside , her heart beat raced again , she didn't know where to search the key, with no other option she looked inside a drawer and found the key there, she quickly tucked it inside her pocket and ran towards wolf

He turned towards her and she gave a nod, he then grabbed her hand and they quickly ran out , scarlet and Émile were hiding behind a tree , cinder and wolf quickly went near them , they saw them and gave out a sigh , " where were you guys ? , we were getting worried " , cinder spoke , " ok we got the key " she quickly took it from her pocket and handed it to scarlet

" here quick go to the place , and if you get lost see the blue print which I sent to you , as soon as I give you a message in your phone you quickly enter the room and take the file , ok? " cinder said breathlessly, scarlet nodded , " ok , all the best cinder and take both of you " cinder and wolf nodded , cinder came forward and hugged scarlet and Émile , " all the best scarlet and Émile , I am so sorry I am putting you inside a very big problem " , scarlet shook her head , " No, you are our friend and levana surely needs to be taught a lesson for killing my grand mere and peony and all " scarlet said with a sad tone

Cinder knew that she was still sad about her grand mere's death like her being sad about peony, all of them sacrificed their lives for her and it was her time to payback , " alright guys , lets go " everyone nodded ,

Soon they parted ways , cinder had a hope that they will surely show the world about levana's true identity but deep inside her heart she knew that this was not that easy as they planned but little did she know that , that thought was correct 

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