Chapter 11

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Kai 's POV

It was like being drawn from a dark world, kai couldn't move, and his eyes ached as he tried to open them. Kai jerked forward, the room was dark and he was tied to a pole, he tried to remove the shackles and release himself but a huge muscular man pushed him back

"let me go" he said and struggled to move out of his grip, but that man was too strong, he struggled even more but couldn't get out of that man's grip, suddenly the door opened revealing a woman, it was Levana, Kai could only see a glimpse of the corridor outside before Levana shut the door

"don't strain yourself, darling, we need to get ready for your birthday ball" Kai crunched his teeth "release me you monster and I want to see cinder right now!!"

Levana smirked "oh ! Cinder, a little birdie told me that cinder was dead" Kai's heart skipped a beat "don't you play your childish games on me Levana, I want to see cinder now and if I see even a scratch on her then I will kill you by myself " said Kai with a deadly look on his face.

Levana smiled "oh! you will kill me, well we will see about that and oh! I almost forgot, darling, cinder sent you a message, want to hear?" Levana reached for a button, there was a pause, then screams rent through the speakers, it was cinder, Kai's color drained from his face, she was sobbing at the same time, then, at last, there was a really loud scream and Levana stopped the recording.

Kai was filled with fear, cinder's screams echoed in his mind, kai balled his fists "LEVANA, what did you do with her?" Levana grinned "oh she was the one who wanted to see her little sister again, so I helped her to go there, so she can live with her sister in heaven" Levana began to laugh.

"Levana don't test my patience I-" Levana strode forward and came and caught his shirt "behave, it wouldn't take me a minute to kill you but I need you, I removed that cinder out of my path and don't you think you will last long" with that Levana walked back.

"my men will guide you out and you should dress up and come to the ball" Levana reached for the lock set, she paused and turned "if you say a word about this to anyone, then the consequences would become even worse" with that she walked out.

The two men on either side of him, unlocked the shackles and released him, Kai got up and stretched his palms, they had gone numb, the two men caught his arms and pushed him towards the door

"come on," said a guy, the other man opened the door and Kai walked out into the corridor, the corridor was dark, he couldn't see properly but the two men knew the way.

Kai looked around to find someone to help but there was no one in the corridor, all the doors were closed, they walked a little further and stopped, one of the guy opened the door and pushed him in "come on , don't waste time and get changed, I'll come and get you after one hour" he walked out and suddenly turned back "and don't you dare try to escape, or you will reach the same fate as your girlfriend"he turned to the other man "take care of him brother, I'll come soon"

He closed the door with a bang, and left , Kai went and sat beside, cinders screams still echoed in his mind, he was the only one to be blamed, he promised cinder that he would save her but now he failed in it and Levana was winning this game, suddenly the door opened revealing a woman who was covering her face with a shawl.

Kai stood up, she walked towards Kai, "what do you want?" Kai asked, she looked around and came near him and whispered "Kai prince don't worry cinder is not dead, she is being held captive in Levana's own home" Kai was shocked, she reached into her pocket and took out a small paper "this is the address, go and rescue her, I think she is being tortured, be quick, I'll try to hide this secret" she said "and wolf will help you to go there, so please don't worry, there is no one in here" she began to walk back.

Kai called her "hey! Thanks and what's your name?" she turned and answered "it's Selene"

A/N : 😉😉😉 how is it ? , I tried to make this chapter a bit interesting , please comment on this chapter , tell your thoughts about it ,

and I thought of this new idea of asking questions so ...

What is wolf's mother's name ?

Hope you will answer the question

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