Chapter 15

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Scarlet and Émile started to run towards the North wing with the help of the map which cinder sent her. They really were exhausted by the events of the day. The path was dark and a few guards were posted here and there but they were enough to snap their hands and legs out of their body for trespassing

They reached the gate of the North wing , it was the same model as the others but was a little older than the others , this was when scarlet noticed that the whole house was old , not like the new model built nowadays , the materials used to build them were rusted , then she realised that this was the Blackburn family's old mansion and was passed on from generation to generation

Suddenly Scarlet's phone vibrated , it was a message from cinder

Cinder~ scarlet I met the person who is in charge of this CCTV cameras and she is ready to help us and wolf and Kai have escaped

Scarlet quickly typed the message

Scarlet~ great , but there are guards guarding the gate how will we enter?

Cinder replied

Cinder~ the gate open?

Scarlet glanced at the gate

Scarlet~ yep , it is

Cinder~then someone has to distract them while the other person can enter

Scarlet replied

scarlet~ alright we will think about that , and don't forget to send us a message when you disable the cameras

Cinder~ and you send me a message when you are ready

Scarlet turned toward Émile who was eyeing the guards with fear , "Em , cinder told us to distract the guards and enter" Émile said , "but how?" , Scarlet answered , " one person should distract them while the other person can enter " scarlet placed a hand on Émile's shoulder , " that is the only way "

Émile thought for some time , " I will distract them scarling while you sneak in and get the files, I will hide and wait till you come out , ok? " , scarlet hugged her , " ok , and be careful " Émile returned the hug , " I will "

Émile walked towards the other side of the gate and hid behind a bush , she gave scarlet a thumbs up , scarlet nodded and walked a little closer to the gate , then Émile rustled a bush , the guards turned towards the sound , "what is that sound?" , " I don't know , come let's check it out " , the guards walked towards the place where Émile was hiding leaving the gate unguarded, scarlet quickly entered inside the building and peeked out to see if Émile was safe

The guards went near the bush , Scarlet's heart beat raised, they bent down and checked behind the bush but got up confused , " there is no one in here " , the other guard nodded, " yep, let's go " , scarlet sighed , she thought that Émile would get caught but she was clever enough to run from that place , she began to walk away hoping that Émile was safe

The building was big and was dark with only dim bulbs lighting the way , scarlet quickly checked the map for the room and it was on the second floor , so scarlet walked to the the stairs , she didn't want to get caught by taking the elevator so she took the stairs , she carefully climbed the stairs as it was giving a creaky sound which would alert the guards

She reached the second floor and began to walk but suddenly two guards came out from no where , she quickly hid behind the rails of the stairs hoping that they won't notice her and they didn't because the whole place was dark

She reached the room and quickly opened the door and closed it, she leaned on the door and took a deep breath , she took the phone and sent a message to cinder

Luna Fashion - kaider fanfic(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now