Chapter 7

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"This was a really long day, Mary "winter walked through the corridors with her best friend and colleague Mary , " yes winter , now I am gonna rest for some time " winter sighed " you are right " they reached winters room , she opened the door " ok bye Mary see ya soon " Mary smiled " alright , bye "

Winter closed the door and removed her coat , she had been busy all day and she didn't get even a second to rest . She sat on the coach ,stretched her legs and yawned , and decided to take a nap

Suddenly the door opened , winter groaned " uhhhhh...." ,a nurse came in " mam Ms levana has come to renew her plastic surgery , sir jacin wants you to help him "

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard jacin's name , she hadn't seen him for the past weeks since jacin was really busy , he was the chief doctor of the hospital after all

" mam? " winter snapped out of her thoughts " yes.....I am coming" , the nurse exited

winter put her coat on and walked out , it was 9:00 pm , she didn't know why levana wanted to renew it at this time of the day .

She reached the operation room and opened the door " may I come in sir?", jacin looked up " yes come in Dr Hayle " winter walked in , she saw levana sitting on the operation chair and some nurses , and Dr Jenna

Dr Jenna  was the head of plastic surgery department , a very famous doctor , she always boasted about her which made winter uncomfortable , she went and stood by her side

Jacin cleared his throat " okay everyone here ? " everyone nodded " alright , Ms levana can we start ? " levana smiled " of course Dr clay " jacin nodded , Jenna began her work

She peeled off the skin graphed on levanas face , and handed it to winter , winter carefully dropped it inside a chemical filled container and looked up at levana

Stars.....she wasn't beautiful as they showed in movies , the left side of her face was scarred , these reached up to her hands , she was disfigured

Winter looked away from her , how can a woman look that ugly, she saw Jenna graphe a fresh skin on her face , she turned to winter " now Dr winter please stitch this up"

Winter walked close to levana unable to look at her face , she has done many plastic surgeries but the others face was not as bad as levanas , she took the needles from the tray and started stitching it

Winter scowled and briefly looked up , she saw jacin , jacin was looking at levana with the same disgust on his face , their eyes met , he gave a quick smile , winter swooned

Winter forgot about the stitching and accidentally poked levanas face , levana cried out blood pooled out of the cut , " what did you do idiot? " winter was shocked

" I am sorry please forgive me " Jenna glared at winter and placed a cotton on levanas face , levana continued her shouting " you are unfit for being a doctor , and you just put a scratch on my face ! You know who I am right , how dare you do this to me, ahhhhh" screamed unable to bear the pain , she grabbed winters hand " you will pay for this and-"

Jacin grabbed winters hand " I am really sorry , I apologise on her behalf I'll see what can be done with her " levana relaxed " I trust you Dr clay , I shouldn't see her face ever in my life , dismiss her " jacin face was expressionless " yes mam I'll see to it that she'll be dismissed " with that jacin dragged her out of that room

Winter started crying " jacin...jacin....I am sorry it was an accident I didn't mean to do it please don't dismiss me....please " jacin placed a finger on her mouth " shhh winter don't make noise, I'm not gonna dismiss you so relax "

Winter whipped her tears " you will not dismiss me ?" jacin looked around making sure no one hears them " yes , but don't come to work for a week , then everything will be settled "

Winter wrung her hands around jacin " thank you....thank you " jacin smiled and pushed her " and don't get distracted when you are working, alright ? " winter smiled

" you distracted me Dr clay " jacin blushed

They were staring at each other just then a girl with brown hair ran past them , they looked at her , she was in a hurry that she didn't even wait for the elevator and took the stairs instead

" woah I think she is surely in a hurry " why would anyone run like that in midnight , there was something wrong " winter?" Winter snapped out of her thoughts " yes "

Jacin scratched the back of his neck " can we go out for a coffee ? "(A/N - I know jacin is not  I-show-emotions type )

Winter frowned " you don't have any work ?" Jacin grinned " I'll make excuses " winter glared at him " come on winter , I am tired I need a break " winter sighed " alright let's go "

Suddenly a man with black hair ran past them ,shouting " cinder? , cinder?"he was worried maybe he was searching for that girl who ran before 

Jacin tugged her " come on winter, we have to leave before levana comes back "

"Coming" what's going on? , first a girl then this man there was something wrong

"What's the matter winter ? " winter smiled " oh it's nothing , let's go " she grabbed jacin's hand and they walked out

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