Chapter 16

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Cinder was hiding behind a storage carter , she was waiting for wolfs brother ran to come and he was late , they had to move fast it was late already and tomorrow levana would get what she wanted all these years , money, power and-

The Whole Earth

She sighed and leaned on the carter pressing her back on it , she looked up at the sky , it was a full moon night , the Stars were scattered here and there and something caught her eye , it was the brightest star , she remembered the day when she attempted a suicide and then Kai came and rescued her and told her that the brightest star is peony and she is always looking at her where ever she goes

The thought made her smile and she really hoped that Kai was safe , suddenly wolf called her in a low voice, "Cinder-" she looked up , "there, my brother is coming , so you just follow us , there a few guards in this place so be careful when you follow us , I will help you get inside the building and get inside a room and wait till I come again , ok?

Cinder nodded , " ok , but which room?" , wolf thought for some time and then answered , " there is a storage room it is the first room to your right ,you can see it as soon as you enter the building you hide in there " cinder nodded again

Then wolf saw his brother coming closer ," ok cinder you do as I said , I have to go my brother is coming here " he then walked towards his brother, they were talking about something which cinder couldn't hear, then they started to walk towards the building

Cinder followed them by creeping behind the bushes , trees and lampposts , they reached the main door , wolf and ran were swiping their ID's to enter the building , cinder was impressed by levana's security system

Wolf then turned to his brother and started to talk , cinder took this as a chance and entered the building,she then peeked out and gave wolf a thumbs up which ran didn't notice

She then began to search for the room which wolf mentioned , the first room to her right ,she saw the room and immediately went inside it as she was about to close the door and she heard ran talk to wolf , " what happened to you brother? You never start a random talk " , she heard wolf give him a nervous laugh, " I-I got the mood today , that's it "

She closed the door and pressed her back on the door and took a deep breath and sighed , she was happy that she didn't get caught and also nervous to meet Kai , she told wolf to release Kai by himself but he told that Kai wouldn't believe him so he asked her to come with him , cinder didn't want Kai to know that she was Selene because if Kai knew it then levana would just dispose like she killed peony for knowing that she was Selene

She didn't want it to happen to Kai but wolf didn't want to do it alone , she started to think of something that would help so Kai wouldn't recognise her , she began to look around the storage room and she saw a scarf , she decided to cover her face with it

She then began to wait for wolf after a few minutes someone knocked the door , she peeked out and saw wolf , she opened the door , " cinder everything is clear , Kai is safe and I convinced my brother to take a rest so the route is clear " cinder smiled and nodded , " that levana even made a false video of you shouting and played it to Kai , he was shocked " cinder eyebrows rose , " why would she? " wolf smirked , " to make Kai believe that you are dead " cinder frowned , " we have to get Kai soon before she realises that I am missing , I wrote down Dr erland's address and I am going to give it to Kai and say to him that I am kept there so he will comply , you go with him and after you reach there you tell him all the secrets ok ?" Wolf nodded , " alright " , wolf noticed the scarf covering her face , " why are you covering your face ? "

Cinder replied " I don't want Kai to know that I'm Selene if he knows levana would kill because the more people know about me the more threat it will become for her " wolf rolled his eyes , " you know? Levana wants him to marry her so I don't think that she will kill him just because he knows that you are Selene " cinder shook her head , " no I don't want to take a risk , while he is close to levana " wolf rolled his eyes again , " your wish "

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