Special one shot

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Hey guys thanks soo much for 1k reads I am soooo great full to you guys a special shout out to


Thank you so much for your support

I said that if I get 10 more reads I will update a special one shot featuring all the OTP's

And so here is it, and this takes place after stars above where everyone are married and they have children too

There is only a few fanfics a about their kids, and so I wanted to make one


P.S - I don't own the characters

Cinder glanced at the cupboard one last time to see if she had missed anything important, she mentally made a list of all the things she had packed

Casual wear ~ check

baby diapers ~ check

Baby clothes~ check

Feeding bottle~ check

Kai and cinder's swim suits ~ check

Other necessities ~ check

Yeah she had everything they needed, she quickly zipped the bag and kept it near the door so they can take it when they leave.

Suddenly Kai peeked in,"are we ready? the rampion has arrived." Cinder looked around one last time, "yes we are, let me go and get rikki and peony"

Cinder walked to the bed where they were sleeping, cinder never thought she would give birth to twin baby boy and girl, she named her son rikan in memory of Kai's father and his nickname was rikki and her daughter's name was peony in the memory of her sister peony.

They both looked more like their father, with black hair and copper eyes and all , but they surely had her face cut, they were 10 months old and cinder didn't want to take them out just now, she was afraid that they would catch some flu but Kai persuaded her.

She picked rikki and Kai came after her and took peony into his arms he also had the bag, they walked out of the room

Torrin came through that way, "your highness the rampion is waiting " 

 "I know Torrin " Torrin nodded, Kai grinned, "don't worry we will be back soon, so that you can play with peony "

Cinder giggled , Torrin really liked playing with rikki and peony, but peony was special to him, he was like a nanny to them when cinder had important meetings to attend.

Torrin frowned, "alright, leave soon or Mr throne will get the rampion inside to pick you up " Kai smirked "alright,  alright we will leave, goodbye Torrin, if you have any problem call- "

Torrin shook his head, "you don't need to worry about anything, just enjoy your vacation with your kids and your wife, alright bye " , Torrin started to walk back

Cinder waved her hands to say goodbye to Torrin, he waved back at her and saluted her , a practise he never let go, cinder sighed and started to walk towards the spaceship port.

Thorne was tapping his feet on the ground, he looked at them and raised his hands, "finally the imperial family decided to show up" he said sarcasm dripping in his voice,

Kai rolled his eyes, Thorne came forward "come on get your butts in we are already late"

Cinder stepped inside the rampion, rampion was the second home to her and she felt proud that her children are also in the same place where their mother, father, uncles and aunties had set on to an adventure, which changed their lives completely .

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