Chapter 8

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It was a bright day, the clouds were clear , the waves crashed on Kai's feet , he was finally free and he was with cinder , cinder was breathtaking as her hair flipped with the breeze , everything was perfect and he could stay with cinder forever

He reached for cinders hand but he couldn't hold , he tried again but he couldn't

Kai woke up with a jerk , he banged his head on the bed frame " ouch " he rubbed his head and looked up , cinder was not on the bed , he got up and went to the other side to see if she hadn't rolled over and fell off

But she was not there too , suddenly he noticed water and some watery footprints he was sure it was cinders , those footprints went out to the corridors , Kai went out following it , it went all the way to the stairs

Where did she go at this time ? Kai began to worry what if something happened to her what if someone kidnapped her

Kai shouted " cinder?" , "cinder?" But there was no reply , he reached the end and saw that these footprints went above the stairs , he followed the footprints

They led to the thirteenth floor, the terrace

Kai stepped out a gust of air blew a lock of hair out of his face , he looked around but there was no sign of cinder , Kai went to the other side

" cinder , where are you ? " suddenly he found cinder on the ledge , she was ready to jump

" CINDER " Kai ran towards her , cinder jumped down but Kai was quick to catch her

She was hanging down , her only support was his hand , cinder looked up " Kai?"

Kai struggled to hold onto her " hold on cinder , you'll be safe " tears pooled through cinders eyes

With all his strength Kai pulled cinder , they were panting with all those running , Kai got up and helped cinder to sit

Kai looked at cinder , and made his voice stern " cinder what is this ? Are you psychotic or something? " cinder looked up at him " Kai I didn't deserve to live so I- "

" SO YOU JUST JUMPED DOWN WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT " Kai shouted at cinder , she flinched "who cares I am no one to nobody "

Kai shook her " cinder I care " cinders eyebrows shot up , Kai became nervous " I mean.....Iko would kill me if I just let you suicide " that was lame, cinder closed her face with her hands and cried harder

Kai hugged her side " cinder listen, I know you liked your sister but her death is not your fault " cinder looked up " but Kai I miss her , she was everything to me and the thought that she died because of me" she was cut off with her sobs

Kai sighed " cinder how much times do I have to tell you that it is not your fault"

Cinder shook her head " no Kai it is obvious , and I love her , I can't live without her "

Kai took cinders hand in both of his " cinder do you want to see your sister? " cinder nodded " do you see that brightest star?" , " yes " Kai continued " that is peony she is always there above you looking at you , if you are happy she'll shine brightly and if you are not she'll fade away "

Cinder looked with awe " really?" Kai sighed " yes , that's how I convince myself " cinder looked at Kai and smiled " thank you Kai for making me feel better "

Kai smiled back " and promise me you won't do silly things like this ever again " cinder nodded " I won't "

They got up and walked to edge and looked down , the town was beautiful at night , everything was peaceful

Suddenly cinder hugged the side of Kai and leaned her head on his shoulders , Kai's heart was racing fast , he slid his arm on her waist and leaned on her head

Everything was perfect just like his dream , but at the corner of his eye he saw levana getting inside her car , she looked up and saw Kai and cinder up there , she was shocked , Kai's face was filled with fear

He immediately pulled cinder with him and ran down 

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