Chapter 10

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Cinder's POV

Cinder's feet were numb , she couldn't feel her legs , her breath was heavy with all those running , she didn't know why they were running.They reached the ground floor , they entered into a small store room , Kai closed the door and pulled her towards a small desk , he went inside and hid under it , he patted the place beside him , cinder crouched inside .

" Kai, why are we running ? " Kai looked worried , " cinder, we need to hide here until Levana leaves this place " cinder questioned " who is this Levana ? " Kai swallowed " she very bad person , we need to stay away from her " cinder frowned " why " Kai took her hands in his " cinder you will understand soon-"

Just then the door flung open , some men came inside , and shouted " prince jūn we know you are here , come out ,otherwise I think we have to use our own means "

Kai inhaled sharply . Fear started boiling inside cinder , she caught Kai's hand , he held it tightly " don't , worry I am here " cinder questioned " promise ? " his lips quirked up

" I promise "

Cinder peeped to look at them , those men were wearing black coats and a necktie , the colours weren't clear to her because the room was dark, and they didn't look like humans, though , and this crept her even more. Those men were searching for them.

One of them came near the desk , Kai sat straight , she twisted Kai's hand due to her fear , Kai gave out a yelp , the person near the table heard the sound , " here he is , and there is that girl too "

Kai quickly came out of the desk , the man came to punch , but Kai caught it easily , Kai gave that man a punch on his face , he stumbled back , the man came to fight again but Kai intelligently kicked on his sternum , he fell down as he couldn't bear the pain

As soon as he fell down Kai quickly grabbed cinders hand and they started running towards the entrance , Kai grabbed a steel rod, which was on one corner of the room ,two more men came in front, but Kai smacked them with his rod ,they ran out of the store room , and started sprinting towards the exit

" I have my car keys , we'll get in my car and drive far away from here " cinder started crying " I don't......know why....she wants our lives " Kai stopped running " cinder I am sorry it's all because of me " cinder wiped her tears " come on let's get out of here "

Kai and cinder walked towards the exit door , they ran down the stairs , they went to the parking lot and also careful to avoid the black men , Kai saw his car " there it is,come on "

They ran to,his car, just as they turned to the corner , to their shock they saw Levana and some other black men standing beside the car

Kai's POV

" well, my dear Kai I thought I knew all your friends,maybe you missed some of them , so may I have the pleasure of getting to know such a beautiful woman"

" Levana enough " Levana made her voice even sweet " oh come darling , I am your fiancé I should know about your friend especially girl friends right? " cinder gasped " fiancé ?"

Levana put her hand on her mouth " oh dear didn't he tell you ? Come on Kai you can't hide it from her " cinder backed away from him , he quickly caught her hand " cinder no she is lying , cinder don't trust her " cinders face was filled with confusion

" your name is cinder? Well, nice to meet you cinder " she shook cinders hand , " what Kai I thought that we will be married the next month , well if- "

Kai shouted " THAT'S ENOUGH , cinder she is lying, she is not my fiancé , I love you and only you , I fell for you from the first day , you were so kind to me not like the other girls ,you were different , you are special , cinder trust me, I don't like her , I swear , please don't hate me "

cinder squeezed his hand " Kai...I " Levana cleared her throat " maybe we have a little misunderstanding here , let me sort this out " she made her voice stern again " BOYS?"

Suddenly something hard hit Kai's head, he caught his head and stumbled back , then another hit , he couldn't see properly , he heard cinder scream , he shouted " CINDER " fear jolted through his sternum " cinder I am coming , Levana please leave her , please " Kai begged

He was hit, another time , he fell on his knees " Levana please , please leave her alone " another hit *bang* he fell on the ground, but he whispered cinder's name again and again , a tear rolled down his cheek , he couldn't keep up his promise

Everything was blurred , he couldn't sit up , his strength drained off , and slowly everything went dark.


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