Chapter 18

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Cinder and the others somehow squeezed themselves inside Émile's car , the guys occupied most of the place while the girls ended up sitting on their laps , cinder , Iko and Émile sat in the front , Kinney didn't want to come because he wanted to stay and get the files , he said that as there were less guards now he wanted to try his luck in getting those files , cinder agreed to it

They drove to Thorne's airplane hangar which was not that pleasant with the car jam packed , they reached that place soon

Thorne guided them from the gate towards the plane , the plane was kept inside a huge hangar , Thorne went near that hangar and pressed some buttons , the huge shutter opened with a loud sound

Inside stood a very beautiful jet , it was new and was shining under the early rays of the sun , it was newly painted and had a newly written letters 

'The Rampion'

Everyone were awestruck by the planes majesticness , Thorne went near the jet and grinned at the others as there mouths were hung open

"Come on you snails , stop checking out my beautiful rampion and come quick we don't have time " , cinder snapped from her thoughts of virtually flying that plane and ran towards the opening of the deck

Everyone followed her and quietly sat inside the jet , Thorne went and sat in the pilots seat and started the jet

Everything was going fine until they heard a loud bang from the engine , everyone jumped out of their seat due to fear

" what the hell just happened " scarlet shouted , Thorne gave a nervous laugh , " ummm....maybe I started the plane in a wrong way I guess"

Jacin sighed and said , " do you know to pilot the plane or not?" , scarlet went near the seat and literally pushed Thorne out of the seat and sat on it , " I learnt to fly a plane when I was in college, I guess I will do better than you just did now "

Thorne gave a nervous laugh, " come all men do mistakes, and there is no captain better than me right?" , everyone rolled their eyes except cress, she shouted a " YES"

Everyone turned to look at her , they gave her a 'seriously' look , Thorne grinned ," come on she is the only one who is telling the truth "

" now let's get started " scarlet said , cinder asked , " did you really learn to fly a plane?" , scarlet nodded , " yep from my grandma, but these controls are a bit complicated, Thorne do you have a pilots guide "

Thorne scratched the back of his neck , " ummm....I think i used it as a napkin.....oh wait I used it as a toilet paper...yeah..yeah "

Scarlet cursed him , "brainless idiot " , Thorne gave a dramatic bow , " thank you mademoiselle scarlet "

"But now what , how are we going to fly the plane " Iko added , cress spoke , " I can help , I guess I know how to operate them "

Winter cheered , " go on cress , you are great " , everyone nodded their heads , Thorne cleared his throat , " maybe cress can become the great assistant captain "

Scarlet said , " she can clearly become a better captain than you " , Thorne nodded , " yeah, yeah " cress blushed , scarlet added, "alright cress please help me "

Cress walked towards the pilot seat and sat on the assistant pilots seat , she then instructed scarlet and they successfully flew the plane

Cinder too helped them by telling the directions to reach Los Angeles of course by using the map as there was no one to direct the plane from the ground control room, she also learned a few things about flying the plane

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