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Hey guys I thought of writing a epilogue to the story so I wrote one, I hope you love it

The hall was bustling with workers who were decorating it, it was the same hall where levana got caught and the place where they became free and where cinders true identity was revealed , cinder sighed, a lot had happened in 3 months and kai's proposal was the main thing that changed her life in the past three months

kai on the other hand was determined to marry her soon as he said that she was his world and he wouldn't get a good nights sleep if she is not officially his

But above all kai's sweet trauma she was still happy at the way he proposed and how their friends reacted to it. Thorne didn't get surprised at their engagement at all, he told that he knew this was surely going to happen one day or the other, scarlet, cress, winter and iko squealed like mad women and they couldn't control themselves and if she had to give a prize of ' The most exited ' person among them, she would have given it to iko

From that day iko would drag cinder to the malls and famous shops and make her wear all the wedding dresses in that shop and choose one among them, and for 3 months she had selected a lot of dresses and finally she selected a white lace gown which cinder was wearing right now

Yes, today is the day she was going to marry kai and today is the day she was going to be officially his, this made her nervous and a bit afraid too. Kai is a famous actor and as his wife she had to be perfect too and she is and was never perfect in her life, this made her feel sad

Suddenly someone yanked her hair "aaaaaahhhh" she screamed, "iko easy", iko frowned "young lady I know that you are going to get married, but that doesnt mean that you can dream about kissing your husband and not hearing me speaking to you" cinders face became red "I was not thinking about kissing kai actually I was thinking about our wedding and how I should be a perfect wife to him"

"cinder, kai likes you because you are imperfect and because you are you, so dont try to be perfect just for the media's eyes," she finished doing her hair, she bent down and kissed cinders cheek "be yourself, thats what kai likes and thats what we like in you"

Cinder smiled at her words, she hugged iko "thanks iko" iko hugged her back and said, "I wish peony was here, she would have been more happy than me" cinders thoughts went back to her dear sister peony, her death was partly her fault and if she would have been here then she would have been the most happiest women in the world, a tear slipped down her cheek

Iko looked at her and frowned, "you are ruining your makeup and you dont want to cry on your wedding day do you? " cinder wiped her tears, "believe me I dont think that I could control my tears any longer" iko adjusted her maid of honour dress, "do whatever you want without ruining your make up and your dress" cinder rolled her eyes

Suddenly the door burst open, scarlet, cress and winter rushed inside and gasped, they were eyeing her from head to toe

"you look beautiful" winter said in her melodious voice, iko coughed, "all credit goes to me" scarlet spoke up "quick we have to go, kai said that if he doesnt see you in five minutes he will go crazy " cinder chuckled, she and kai had not seen each other for two days because of some superstition that it was bad luck for the bride and the groom if they see each other before the wedding

"iko you look pretty too" cress said, iko flipped her hair and said, "well I am always beautiful " everyone rolled their eyes, "i was just kidding guys, it is us The Rampion Girls who are beautiful than any other girl in this world" everyone laughed

Suddenly the door opened and thorne came in, his suit was matching cresses dress, "cinder you have to come now otherwise kai is going to come here and get you", wolf and jacin came in, wolf suit was matching scarlet's dress and jacin and winter wore matching suit and dress too, "cinder come on its time" cinder smiled and nodded

Luna Fashion - kaider fanfic(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now