Chapter 6

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Peony came running towards cinder " oh cinder , cinder look a new interview with Kai prince you have to look at it cinder ......cinder " cinder turned around " coming peony " peony ran across the road , cinder saw a truck coming towards peony , she didn't notice it " PEONY WAIT " peony stopped running but it was too late , she was hit by the truck ...... Suddenly adri came before " you killed her you don't deserve to live DIE...DIE

Cinder gasped and woke up , another nightmare she sobbed , careful not to wake Kai , he was sleeping with his head on the bed , she recalled her  dream maybe she didn't deserve to live 

She killed peony , she had to die.....she had to die , she got off from the bed , her legs knocked a water bottle , Kai moved his head but was in a deep sleep to wake up, her feet was drenched , she saw Kai for the last time and ran out , she took the stairs for the top most floor

She reached there and walked to the ledge , she didn't deserve to live , she killed peony , she had to die , those were the words running on her mind 

She looked down , she was on the thirteenth floor , she flinched ,

Tears pooled from cinders eyes she shut them and made up her mind , she will die and she jumped

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