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So it's Friday, January 29th,2016. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE READING THIS SHITY ASS STORY?! seriously though... Like it needs fixed badly I'm lazy af to do it because I'm working on a new story and you're all here reading this messed up story. Like wat da fook are you doing? This is a terrible story like some 13-year-old (me) wrote this shit and now I'm like this is terrible.

Should I take this down? It's bad.. And every time I look at it or see notifications on it (which I see all the damn time) I cringe like Dan Howell does at his first video he ever made.

So please if you wouldn't mind and take a few minutes to tell me what to do with this. And no I'm not fixing it.. To much to fix.. Like A LOT; you probably have an idea of how much though so.



Your Idiot author.

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