My Idol Is Here To Adopt

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When I walked in, I was not expecting who I'm looking at now.


I relaxed and sat in the chair that was in front of him. He smiled. It was beautiful smile too. He had on a regular t-shirt with a Jean jacket and black jeans. He has a backpack beside him and a Fedora on his dirty blonde hair.

"hi, I'm Patrick and you are? " Patrick said putting his hand out for me to shake it

" Payton Adams, sir" I said with a smile and shook his hand.

"hi Payton, please tell me about yourself. " he said

" well, umm where do you want me to start?, sir "

" how you got here "

" OK, well both my parents died in a car accident and I was at a friends house. They don't, I mean did-dn't have any siblings so I got sent here when I was 3. That's when they pass away. I been here for 10 Years and never been adopted. "

"OK tell me about you, like what you think, like, do" he said

I nodded

"well. umm Im 13 years old. Im a girl with hearing loss, salt problem {body doesnt obsorse right, so i take salt pills} , asmtha , and i have a depression problem.  im differnet from other girls. I like differnet things. i like boy stuff. like basketball shorts, guy shirts , guy shoes, GUY EVERYTHING! i like the color blue, i act like a boy and think like one to. and yes! i like bisexual.. that means i like girls [a lot] and boys [not so much]. " 

" and being this is OK with you? " he asked

" yes, sir, umm are you against people like me? "

" Nope, actually I been looking for one that is like you "

" Why? "

" because they're just as important as anyone else is."

I smiled. "I also like more like love music. I love Fall out boy, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, Imagen Dragons, Maroon 5, and Awolnation. Music is a cure to me. Let's me relax better than normal."

" that's great Payton!....... Can you tell me about life here? "

I pale fast. I look at my hands.

" d-do I h-have t-to? " I asked

" No that's fine. Is there anything else you want to talk about? " he asked me.

I nodded wondering why he is wanting to adopt a teenager.

"sir?" I asked him

" yes, Payton? " he said smiling

" Why do you want to adopt for? " I asked

" I want to start over, me and Elisa are divorce and I want to be a parent. Elisa didn't. There's one of the reasons we broke up. And we'll I like some one else too. So. " he said.

I nodded my head.

Then Mrs. Caningfield came and said" Miss. Adams you're time is up, Mr. Stump time for your decision.

I nod my head and looked at Patrick. He nod too. He smiled at me. I put a small smile back to him. We walked out of the room. I said bye to Patrick. He said bye back and I walked back to my room.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now