She Has What?!?!

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Still Patrick's Pov. (you happy I did Patrick's Pov again??? I hope so. His Pov isn't going to be in this story as much because it Payton's story to tell.)

Then the nurse came out and said something I thought would never happen.

"she.... She has a tumor in her brain.... We don't know if she will make it sir..... Would you like to see her? " said the male nurse.

What! A freaking tumor?! She might not make it!? I have tears going down my face. Multiple tears.

" sir? Would you like to see her? " he said again.

" Y-yeah " I studder.

" she is in room 182.. " he said walking away.. I run into her room. She has wires and machines hooded to her. She looks tired. She has her eyes closed. I sit at the end of the bed.

" I'm sorry, Patrick " she whispered to me.

Payton's Pov.

The Doctor told me that I have a tumor in the back of my brain. They said I might not live.... I'm going to get what I wanted 3 months ago. I don't want now. Why does everything happen to me?! Does God hate me that much that he wants me dead?! To ruin Patrick's life? To kill me with a freaking illness?!.... I heard a small sob out side my door. Who could that be? Then a man in a Fedora and tear stain face came in and sat at the end of my hospital bed. Patrick!

"I'm sorry, Patrick... " I whispered to Patrick. He looked up.

" Why are you sorry it's not your fault that your sick. " he whispers back. I pull him into a hug. He held me tite. I started to cry. He started to cry too.

Then a doctor come running into my room. I let Patrick go and looked at the doctor.

" I think we can Saver her, I'm not quite sure. With the tumor in the back we could do surgery and-" said the doctor that I interrupted.

"are you sure? " I said.

He nodded and continued "and have treatments monthly. But this will come with some side-effects."  He said frowning.

"well what the hell are they" said Dad. I touch his arm.

"clam down, Dad" I said serious like.

He clam down some.

"well she might have memory loss, color lost in seeing, depression my get worse, hearing loss and damage, not able to focus easily, and well death coming a little bit earlier. Like age 60-70. "

I sat there thinking about this.

" if we don't do surgery within 3 days.... She... Won't make it... "

" want surgery tomorrow please " I said. The doctor nodded. He then walked out of the room.

Patrick looked at me then his hands. A tear running down his cheek.

" who is all here? " I asked him.

" Pete, Bronx, Dallon. Joe and Andy is coming tomorrow. " he said. I nod.

" What did I do to deserve this? Huh Patrick? " I said. I'm serious like what the heck!

He shook his head. " I-I don't know, Payton " he pulled his hat off and sat It on my head. I smiled. He smiled and fixed his glasses. I lay back down in my bed. Then I thought what it would be like if I was gone. Then it hit me.

" Patrick? " I asked

" hmm? " he said

" What would you do if I didn't make it? "

He looked at me." why" he said.

" I-I was just wondering, would you like be depressed or try to get over it, Would you live with Pete and Bronx or stay at home? What would you do? "

" well I would be depressed and Pete would force himself to take care of me. Trust me when I get depressed it.... Gets bad... " I sit up hugged him again.

" I won't leave you" I whispered

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