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i woke from Dallon [best friend] shaking me a wake. i had my headphones in listening to 20 Dollor Nose Bleed by Fall out boy ft. Brendon Urie from Panic! at the dico.

"PAYTON LEAH ADAMS!! WAKE UP NOW!!!!" i heard dallon yell at me.

"im up, Dal" i said kindly , im not a mean person. i never will be. i never cuss or do things i shouldnt. its a gift from my mom.hehe.

" Payton some guys are here and looking to adopt, ok one wants a girl and the other wants a dude. so you know the route k. " said dallon

i nod my head and get dressed. i put on a fob shirt with red skinny jeans and my blue Nike shoes. i put one my fob jacket [yes the one that patrick wear to conserts] . i saw dallon put on his fob coat like mine and we walked out of the room.

as me and dallon walked out i saw a couple of girls i used to share a room with. one gave me a disgusting look and the other gave me the same look too. i rolled my eyes and contiune walking. Dallon looked at me and down at his shoes.

"whats wrong, dallon?"

he shook his head. "nothing.....its just what if only one of us gets picked and we dont see each other, what do we do?" i lefted dallon's head up so i can see his blue eyes. [he has blue eyes and black hair] "we have Phones and Skype , haha we are going to be ok." i pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. he smiled. we knew that we dont like each other that way but we still hug and some times kiss each other on the head or cheek. then the next thing we knew our names are being called up to be interviewed. i smile at dallon as he had a nervous look.

"its going to be ok" i said as we walked into sepreate rooms. I hug Dallon quick and then walked into the room. Seeing someone I thought I would never meet.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now