3 Months Later....

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It's been 3 months since Patrick adopted me. 3 months of a amazing life. I've met so many people too. Like Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Paramore, Bastille, All time low, American Authors. I'm home school but I see Dallon, Bronx, and Ruby a lot. Brendon and Sarah Urie moved to Chicago, IL because Me and Dallon never could see each other because he lived in Las Vegas. I told dad (Patrick, yes I started to call him dad) about the depression issues. He told me he thinks I should get help but I said no, I don't want to talk to someone who is professional, I want Pete to help me. He understood, so Pete and I talk every week on Thursday. Pete has helped a lot. I am 1 month free from cutting and I'm not as depressed anymore. I Babysit Ruby sometimes. I babysit Bronx when Fall Out Boy is recording. I did babysit Bronx a lot when the boyz was making 'PAX AM days'. I love Bronx, he is like a little brother to me. I see Bronx about everyday. Dad and I go to there house or they come to ours. Patrick and Pete has been talking a lot. For about a month Patrick and Pete stopped talking but I still talked to Pete and Bronx. Dad told me that him and Pete need a break from each other. I think it's because of the stupid Peterick thing. People who meet Pete or Patrick always ask something Peterick. It started to make them uncomfortable around each other. But I finally got them to be best friends again. I started to learn how to play guitar and drums. A little bit of piano. Singing some. But I don't want to be a musician. I want to be a writer. I want to write books and stuff. Patrick likes the idea of me becoming a writer. Pete, Joe and Andy like the idea too.

Life is good. But some thing is bound to happen that will bad. It all ways does when I am around.

So it's Friday. It's like 10:30 pm. I'm on my bed, texting Dallon. We are talking about 'Prince' yes that 80s band that me and Patrick idolize. Dallon says that they aren't much of a good band and I'm flipping out. Patrick on the couch down stairs watching Supernatural or Believe. That's our favorite TV shows. I run down stairs yelling "Dad!!!!!!!"

I jumped beside him. He looks at me like I gone crazy.

I told him about the 'Dallon hates Prince' Thing.

He laughs and told me that everyone has a opinion. I sigh loudly. Then Dallon texted me.

Hey look I have a different opinion, K :p I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? Bye Paypay!! ;)

I text him back saying

XD Patrick said the same thing. Okay! Bye DalDal!!! :)

I locked my phone and sighed quietly. Then an wave of sickness comes to me. I ran into the bathroom and threw up..... Blood..... I threw up blood.

"Patrick!! " I yelled. He ran into the room and kneel down beside me.

" you okay Payton? " he said. I threw up again. My mouth tastes like blood. He sees the blood.

" that not what I think it is? is it? " he said and I nod.

" Shit" I hear Patrick cuss. He runs out of the bathroom and grabs a big bowl. We are about 5 minutes to the hospital. I get into the car with the bowl at my mouth. On the way there I was still throwing up. I felt dizzy... Lost of blood maybe. A lot came out so?

As soon as Patrick pulled in I passed out.

Patrick's Pov!! (you lucky little shits! Or Stumpies!)

I run to the other side of the car. I open the door and she is passed out. Blood in the bowl and on her mouth. I picked her up out of the seat and ran into the hospital.

"Help!!! I need a doctor here!! " I yelled. I look and see 3 nurses and 2 doctors. A nurse roll in a hospital bed or thing with wheels that looked like a bed and layed Payton in it. I went to follow but a nurse put her hand on me.

" sorry you can't go back there. Here fill this out. And sir, what happened to her? " she said handing me a clipboard With paperwork.

I explained what happened to her. She nodded and understood I guess. I go and sit in the waiting room and filled out the paperwork. When I was done, I walk back to the desk and handed the nurse it. She smiled.

"thank you, sir " she said. I nod and sit back down. Then a wave of worries hits me.

What if she died?

What if she won't be able to do anything?

What if it's bad and serious?

What if it's cancer and they can't save her?

WHAT IF?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!??

I started to cry. I can't believe what is happening is really real! I don't know what I'd do if she died! What would Pete and Bronx, Joe, ruby, Andy, Dallon her best friend Do? What would we do with out her?!?! Wait shit!!! I texted Fob, Panic! And Dallon about Payton. Pete and Bronx and Dallon came together at the hospital. We talked about what happened. I cried as I told them. Pete pulled me into a hug. I love it when he does that. Wait did I just say that? Pete pulled away. I knew probably in my eyes, I was pleading for him to hug and cuddle me. Saying everything is going to be okay. But I can't have that happen. Bronx and Dallon gave me a hug too. Then a nurse came out and said something I never thought would happen.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now