New Home

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Patrick pull in the driveway. he looked at me with a weak smile.

"patrick?" i asked him

"yes,payton?" he said

"you dont need to worry about im fine. i dealt with depression and bullying my whole life. so dont be upset because im not feeling the greatest. i-i get threaten alot but i dont listen to them...then i get hurt....but still no one can hurt me because your here." i said smiling. we walked out of the car and got my stuff. which wasnt much.

"Payton. i promise you, you will be happier here. ok. nothing will hurt you anymore." he said

i smiled. " thank you, patrick" i looked up at him. im 5'2 1/2 . he looks like 5'4. so im not much taller than him.

He nodded his head.  we walk in the house. And it was huge!

"Wow! i like your house, Patrick" i said.

"thanks. now lets go up to ur room. i hope you like it." he said

we walk up stairs and walked into a room that has dark blue walls with gray carpit. there is a full size bed, a dresser, a closet , a window with gray certents, the is a stand for me to place stuff on.

"im going to get dinner ready.... why dont you get unpacked and come down when your done"

i nodded my head and Patrick walked out the room and down stairs. i place my stuff on the floor and started to unpack. i put my clothes away and now starting on my personal items. i found the picture of me and Dallon. i placed it on the stand. i smiled at it. i grabbed my phone and called Dallon.

"Payton?" said Dallon

"Dallon! hey how is it going at Brendon and Sarah's?" i asked.

"Great. the best new family ever! im unpacking now so ."

"Same here man. "

then i heard someone yell at dallon. Dallon!! come down here there someone i want you to meet!

"i'll get off so you can meet the someone k?"

"yeah i'll txt or call you later. byee PayPay!"

"bye DalDal" then we both hung up. i finished unpacking and headed down stair to see Patrick cooking.

"hey Payton, im making spaghetti. is that ok?" said Patrick

"yep, thats fine" i said

it was scilence for a few mins. then Patrick asked "was you talking to your self in your room?" he still looking at the spaghetti.

"haha no, i called Dallon. he was unpacking too. i felt lonely so i called him. im not really used to be in a room without someone in it. i guess the center really got to me or i been their too too long. hahaha."

Patrick laughed with me. It went to silence again. Then something popped up in my mind.

"Patrick?" i asked

"yeah?" he said getting two bowls and putting the pasta in them. he walked over and handed me the bowl and fork.

"why did you pick me?" i said looking at the noodlely pasta.

"because your different." he said i looked up.

"whats the suppose to mean?" i said looking at him.

"the others was....normal....they didnt like music or art. they wasn't open, they was more shut in their head. but you are that way but more open about your life. your smart, nice, polite, loves music and art. and i wanted a kid that was differnet like on everything. and YOU fit the describition."

"wow.....thxs sir. i never thought someone would look at me like that.....i always felt hate....never love....but only 2 people gave me a chance to change."

"who are they?" he said

"Dallon and you" i said looking up at him. he smiled and blushed a little.

we finished dinner and washed up the dishes and dry and put them away. i told patrick that im going to change into PJs.

i changed into blue Nike sweatpants and a white Michael Jackson long-sleeved shirt and walked back down stairs. i go into the living room to see Patrick wearing a tshirt, batman pj pants and his squared glasses.

"Nice pjs" I said laughing

"thanks " he said look away from the tv and at me with a smile.  He moved his head back to the tv.

"yep, hey is it okay if I get a drink?" I asked him

"yeah the kitchen is free to use " he said still looking at the tv.

" thanks. " I said

I walked into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I drink it all and walk back to the living room and sat on the other end of the couch that Patrick is sitting on. He is channel surfing. then he got to a channel that has my favorite TV show ever. Supernatural!!

It was a older episode like season 4 episode. I look at Patrick. He smiled.

"Now here is a good tv show to watch. " he looked at me

I nodded my head and smiled.

" you watch this? " he said

" Yes, my favorite things to watch is Supernatural " I said

" Awesome " said Patrick.

We sat there for ever watching it. We laugh at the stupid thing the people did and at Sam and Dean's a

Stupidity and jokes. It was 6 when I got a drink of water and now it's 2 am. I kept blinking to stay awake. But then I fell asleep.  I fell asleep feeling happy for once in my life. I feel safe and happy know that I am out of the stupid Adoption center. I like it here now. I like my new dad. Patrick Stump. Patrick was still awake when I crashed. Good night Payton. Said my brain.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now