Meeting A Friend That Tells Me Everything Is Going To Be Okay.

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I woke on the couch and the Tv on. I looked at my surroundings. I see a guy on the other end of the couch and a coffee table, a TV, a book on parenting a kid, a recliner, and a cup on the table.

Great, where am I?! Said my brain. I looked at the clock on the wall. It says 10:00 am. I get up. I Go and take a look at the dude on the couch. Then I see his face. All my memories come back. I'm adopted by Patrick Stump!

I forgot. I Go to the kitchen and get the glass I used yesterday and put water in it. I drink it and turn back to the sink. I turn the water back on and cup my hands and splash water on my face. I do this a few times and then get a rag to dry my face off.

I walk back to the living room and see Patrick waking up. I smile. I sit back down and look at Patrick.

He looks tired. He looks at me and seems confused. I see the glasses on the coffee table and hand them him. He puts then on. And looks at me again.

"morning, Payton"

"morning, Patrick" I smiled.

"What do you think about meeting a friend of mine? "

" that's fine, sir" I said

"Awesome. I'm going to make breakfast. Why don't you go and take a shower and get dressed fast, OK? "

I nod my head and go up stairs. I got to my room and grabbed clothes and head to the shower. When I was in the shower I was wondering what friends I was going to meet. If the rest of Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco or some one else.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I can't ware make up im allergic to it I found out that when I was little and some girl and I was having a play date when I was 8. Any who! I put on a blue Panic! Shirt with a black cardigan and white skinny jeans. I put my Strawberry blonde hair (it's not dyed) hair down and straighten my left side bangs. I put a white Bennie on my head and put my Android phone in my back pocket. I smiled at how I look. I feel happy but depress deep Down. I push the thought aside and put my pjs in the hamper and walked to my room and grabbed my headphones. Then I walked down stairs and see Patrick dress and eating pancakes.

I go and grab and a plate and put a pancake on my plate. I Go over and sit in the seat across from Patrick and eat my pancake in peace. Patrick looks at me weird and confused.

"yes? " I asked him

" you don't use syrup? " he laughed

" yes but I wasn't wanting any. "

" oh Ok " he said and finished up his pancakes and I finished mine too. We put the plates in the dishwasher and I go up and brush my teeth.

Then Patrick yelled "Holy Smokes!! Where is that hat!?!?"

I laughed as walking down stairs. He looks at me.

"do you know where it is? " he asked me

" no " I said laughing

he looks at me more closely." where is it? "

" dunno " I said smiling. I knew where it's was. It was back in his room on the bed.

" please please please please please tell me where it is!? " he said with his puppy eyes.

Wave my hand and ran up stairs laughing like a 5 year old. He followed me. I Go into his room and grab the hat. I raise it in the air and I stand on my tippy toes. Patrick walks in and sees me and his Fedora. I smiled.  He stands up and takes it out of my hands but he has to go on his tippy toes too, to grab it. I laugh. He puts the hat on and looks at me. With a evil smile. Crap!! I'm doomed. He picks me up and walks down stairs with me on his shoulder. I sigh.

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