I'm Your Worst Nightmare.

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Payton's Pov

It's been a few weeks. I'm doing Chemotherapy. I've gotten my right leg removed. I've lost some hair on my head but I got it cut short. I wear hats most of the time so no one notice. I've got serious anxiety. As my doctor says...

I blame my worst nightmare. I haven't found out his name but let's just say he likes to cut my sleep short with Nightmares. I don't know what causes the boy that I only see happens. I see the boy everyday. He talks. A lot. He just won't tell me his name though.

"Whatcha writing, Payton? " said a voice. I look up and see the boy.

" Stuff " I said. Nobody is in my hospital room. Pete and Patrick went on a date and Joe and Andy are busy doing other things.

" like what? " he said. I stare at his beautiful yellow eyes. Yes I said beautiful. They are. I find bright colors in people's eyes beautiful. Joe's bright blue ones are beautiful.

" Why do you care! You just want to torment me. Hell that all you do is torment me! " I yelled.

He boy smirks and sighs.

" how about this. I want to make a deal with you. "

" Why? " I asked.

" because I know you want information.. How about this. I tell you about me if you tell daddy dearest that you have gone insane and that you see me. "

" No, he'll think I'm crazy and send me to a insane asylum. No " I yelled

" alright I guess I'll just have to torment you to the point where you break. " he said smirking.

He touches my bed a small fire sets.

" the hell are you doing!! " I yelled. He smirks and makes the fire bigger.

" stop! " I said. I move my movable leg and my body and I end up falling off the bed. I landed on my arm. I yelled in pain. I think I broke it. The boy stopped the fire. He seems guilty but a flash of evilness trys to over power it. Guilt wins him.

" I'm sorry " he said. His eyes go to green.

" your eyes.... " I said with tears going down my face.

" I know. My human side has over powered me " he said. He goes over and grabs a wheel chair. He helped me up in it.

" I know you are confused but I'm just going to say this I'm part human and demon. Im from another time period. " he said and started to wheel me.

" Why are you here and what's your name "

" I'm Declan. " the boy with green eyes said.

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