Time To Go.

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When I walked back into the room Dallon was on his bed texting.

" hey guess what, Pay! "

" what? " I asked

" Brendon Urie and his wife is Adopting!!!!! They said they wanted to get me also!!! " he said

" Awesome but Patrick Stump was deciding now on who he is wanting to adopt"

"NO WAY! " he said

" way! " I said Then Mrs. Caningfield came in and said me and Dallon need to pack up that we are being Adopt.

*1 hour later*

I have everything packed up and ready to go. I saw Dallon finished packing and saw him put a picture in the suit case. It was us. When we was 11 years old. I smile. We both have copies. Mine is in a different bag. I sat down on the floor next to Dallon. I looked at him. I grab his hand and held it Tite. He still looking at me. He leaned over a kiss my cheek.

" I love you, Payton. " he said

I pull him into a hug.

" I love you, brother " I said crying into his shirt. He was a little bit taller than me but not much.

He rub my back as I cried. I stopped after 30 minutes. I rubbed the tears away and me and Dallon walked out to see our new family.

I saw Patrick talking to The Uries. (Brendon and Sarah)

Dallon looked at me. We hugged. I'm going to miss him so much. He my big brother and I love him. I looked up at him. He smiled. I smiled back. Then Brendon said

"you two together??"

"No. We are brothers. Well I consider myself a a boy. " I said

" ok... Then.... Well I'll see you around Patrick. " he said

" I have to go PayPay, txt me ok. Call me too. " he said

I gave him a hug one last time. Then he and the Uries' left. I looked at Patrick. He Adopt me? Why?

" let's go, Payton " he said and we walked outside and went into his Jeep. It's blue with white rims. I love this car.

" dude, this car is awesome!" I said

"thanks I just got a few weeks ago " he said

I put my stuff in the back of the car. I Got in the passenger seat and Patrick sat in shotgun seat. The radio was play Panic! At The Disco. I. Tapped my finger on my knee and hummed quietly to I write sins not tragedies. I look away to see what Patrick was doing. He was doing the same thing i was doing. I smiled. He looked at me. I looked away fast.

"was I too loud? If so I'm sorry " he said

I looked him and shook my head.

"No, sir, your fine " I said

"you don't have to call me sir now that I'm your parent "

" sorry, Patrick " I said Then I looked back at the window.

I heard Patrick sigh. Then a phone rang. I looked at Patrick. He checked his and It wasn't his. I pull mine out of my coat and it said Maddy. Crap! She is a total bitch! She hates me more than she does her own mom! And her mom almost killed her!..... She Uh told me before we Uh came bad enemies.

" Hello? " I said as I answer it

"Hey Payton. How's a going "

" leave me alone, Maddy. I'm gone long away from you so please stop-"

"shut up fag! Everyone here doesn't want to see you or hear you! So never come Back got it?!! "

" Y-yes " I said and hung up on her. I deleted her number and everyones but Dallon's.

I looked back out the window. Then Patrick said" you OK, Payton? "

I shook my head No.

" No, and I will never be okay. " I said

Patrick had a worried look on his face. Then he pulled into a driveway to a 2 story house.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now