He Asked Me To Lunch.

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Payton's Pov.

It's been a month. A month ago I met the Half Blood Declan Stump. A month ago I had cancer. A month ago I was in Chemotherapy and still am. A month ago I held hands with the Half Blood Declan Stump. I don't have any hair on my head. I wear hats to cover the balled Ness. I'm at home but a personal doctor visits everyday. Declan visits a lot. Patrick and Pete are still together. Joe and Andy been visiting a lot too.

It's the month of September. A few more days till my birthday. I'll be turning 14. Patrick, Pete, Joe and Andy have said they have gotten me a present but I don't want any. They've gave me so much that I would have to give my life up just to repay them.


"Payton! " said very loud Declan. I walk into the living room and see him sitting on the couch.

" What? " I asked him as I sat beside him. He put an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

" You're beautiful " he whispers to me.

I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed at me. He grabs and holds my hand.

" No I am not. " I said. He looks at me with sad eyes.

" Why not? "

" Because I don't look like a beautiful person. I have no hair on my head, I dress up like a boy, I just don't look beautiful. " I explain.

" Maybe one day you'll see. But for now you know that I think you look beautiful "

He kisses my cheek again and says "I love you".

I wake up with a jolt. I look around my room and sigh. He is not here.

I get up and grab my hat. I get into my wheelchair (it's easy to get into it now with practice). Weird I was walking in that dream. I like Declan. A lot. He's my best friend and my crush.

I wheel out of my room into the living room and see Pete on the couch watching TV.

"Hey" said Pete.

"Hey Pete " I said smiling.

" Trick went out to get groceries. He'll be back soon "

" Okay, thanks "

I wheeled my way into the kitchen and see Declan sitting in the chair at the table.

I rolled my eyes when I see him. He smiled. His green eyes tell me that he is human.

" Whatcha ya doing here? " I asked him.

" Came to see my best friend why? "

I laughed at him.

" What? "

" Nothing. Just you being you " I smiled as I said that.

He laughs.

" So what are we doing today? " I asked him.

" I was thinking about going out to lunch. What do you think? "

" Sure. I don't see why not " I said smiling gently on the outside outside but on the inside I'm excited and happy.

" Cool. Well it's 9:45 right now and I'll be back here at 12:30
To pick you up. Okay? " Declan said.

" Yep."

He got up and kissed my cheek and said "I hope you don't mind that I'm calling this a date."

I laughed and said "Why would I?"

Declan smirked. That classic smirk that is devious and adorable. Then he disappear. Myself knowing that he when to the other dimension or his place to get ready.

»»»»»»»»» (Sorry if it sucks. I've put my character through a lot and I wanted to give her more happiness. I updated this because I haven't updated much because I've been busy. But school will be out in a few weeks and I'll try to update. )

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