I Want To See Pete?

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Payton's Pov

After I told Patrick that "I won't leave him" he nod his head and said "thanks but I think you should get some rest. Before you go to surgery, I will let the boyz come in okay? "

" okay, dad" I said. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I layed down and watched him sit down in a chair next to my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I can't without music. Mostly Kenny Chesney. He is the only one that can put me to sleep. He is the only country singer I listen to. The rest, I don't like. I toss and turn but I can't fall asleep. I see Patrick asleep. I sigh. Then I see his phone. I move some wires and grab his phone and I'm so glad that there is ear buds too. I search for Kenny Chesney and I hit play with his headphones in my ears playing 'when I think about leaving'. Yeah your probably wondering why I'm listening to him. My mom was a big fan of Kenny Chesney. So am I. He puts me to a great no nightmare rest. Fall out boy gets me going in the morning and afternoon. My mom used to play him when I went to bed. Then when she cooks she played Fob, Panic!, and others too. I got my mom's taste in music. Patrick download Kenny on his phone because just in case my phone died, he let me use his. I'm in a deep good sleep. I'm dreaming about Patrick and I singing on stage. As I sing Pete went to go and kiss Patrick's cheek like always and right when Pete went to kiss him, Patrick moved his head and their lips crashed and they kissed. They kiss at least for a good few seconds. Then they let go. I looked at the crowd and saw the was no one. It just me, Trick , and Pete. Joe and Andy wasn't there either. Then Patrick said "but Pete" Then I woke up. I pull out a ear bud and told Patrick to wake up. I checked the time and it was 3:30 am. He mumbled "but Pete" I look at him. He said the same thing that he said in my dream. 

"Patrick! " I said.

He finally woke and said "What baby?" he looked at me with a sweet and sleepy smile. 

"I-I want to see Pete "

His face went pale.

Was he dream the same dream as me? " H-he is h-here r-right? " I said

" i-i think. Why don't you call him. "

" okay " I said

I call Pete. He answers the 3 ring.

" Trick, is she okay? " he said worried

" I'm fine Pete. You still at the hospital right? " I said. He sighs.

" yes kiddo I'm still here. But Dallon and Bronx is home. Do you want to see me? " he said

" yes. I'm in room 182 okay" I said

"okay I'll be there in a few seconds " then he hung up. So did I. I look at Patrick asleep again.

Pete walks in. He sees me and the down at Patrick. He walks over shakes Patrick lightly. Patrick mumbled.

He see Pete with one eye open. He opens the other.. He is like half asleep.

" hi PeterPanda. " Says Patrick acting drunk but just really tired.

" Trick, what did I say about that? " said Pete blushing like crazy.

" I'm sleepy panda " then Patrick falls asleep again.

"okay."  said Pete. He sat at the of the bed.

"you saw right? " said Pete

" What you blushing like crazy? " I asked

He nods.

" he only calls me that that when he is really sleepy and upset. " I nod.

Me and Pete talk for an hour. I started to get sleepy and so was he. Then u asked him something I shouldn't.

" Panda? Do you like daddy? " I asked him, sounding like a 5 year old.

".... A.... Little.... Maybe I don't know PayPay"

"I think daddy likes you. I had this dream where me and him was singing at a concert and you went to kiss is cheek like do sometimes and Patrick turn and you and daddy maded out. I was only there tho. No Andy or Joey. Just you, me and daddy. " I said half asleep.

" really, wow. That" he yawns "adorable paypay. Night " he said from the floor. He has a couple of blankets and pillows don't worry.

"night panda " I said.

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