New Symptoms.

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Payton's Pov. That's Payton there.

"it's so obvious that you two like each other " I said feeling drunk. Stupid pain killers. But it's true that Patrick and Pete like each other. I open my eyes to see black, white, and gray. What?!

" Dad? " I said looking at black, white, and Gray him.

" yes, Pay? " he said getting up and walking to me.

" I-I can't see color and my right knee. I.. I.... Can't move it" I said all most on the verge of tears. I started to feel weak and dizzy.

" HELP!!! " yelled Pete and Patrick.

Then two nurses come in and I pass out.

2 hours later

I wake up to crutches beside the bad and Andy watching TV on the floor.

" Andy? " I said. I still see only black, white, and gray.

He looks at me.

" Hey Payton, how are you? Can you feel your leg? " he asked.

" Hey Andy. And okay but I still can't see colors and I can't move my leg. "

" look that's the symptoms from surgery. Okay? Here is the list. " he said handing me a piece of paper.

Side effects from brain surgery

Memory loss

Depression (if have it may worsen)

Colorless in seeing. Check!

Hearing loss

Not able to focus easy


Loss in feeling or can't move a body part. Check and it's my right leg.

Death at the age of 60 - 70

Well I only have two. Great.

"Here " I said to Andy and gave him the paper.

Then Dr. Chase comes in.

"Hello Payton. Can you tell any of the symptoms you feel or see that's on the page? "

" Colorless and my right leg. I can't move it"I said in my depressing voice.

He nods and Patrick comes in. Patrick sees me Andy and Dr. Chase.

"well you have some choices.

1.) you can keep the non move able leg and use a wheel chair.


2.) we can remove the leg and you can use crutches and a wheel chair. "

" can I have some time? " I asked him.

" yes I'll be back in 2 hours "

I nod. I look at Patrick. He walks over and hugs me. I hug him back. I start crying. I'm going to lose my leg and I will never see color ever again. I cry hard into Dad's shoulder. He hugs me tight and whispers sweet nothings to me.

I pull away and dry my face off from the tears.

" What do I do? " I said softy and quite..

" What you want " he said.

I nod. I want it off. I don't want to lug it around. I'll use crutches and wheel chair. It seems reasonable.

" I want it off, Patrick " I said looking Patrick. I looked at Andy.

They seem shocked.

" why " said Andy.

" I don't want to lag it around. It's easier this way can you get the doctor and tell him? " I asked them

Andy nods his head and walks out.

Patrick sits on the edge of my bed.

" I'm sorry " I blurt out. He looks at me confused again.

" What did you do? " he asked as he push my hair out of my face.

" I'm sorry this is my fault. You never should of adopted me. "

" adopting you wasn't a mistake, Payton. This is not your fault either. You never did anything okay? It's okay if you get sick everybody does. It's not your fault that got sick Okay. " he explained. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. We hug for awhile.

Then Pete walks in.

" So what's up " he asked. I looked at dad.

" come on Pete we need to talk. " said Dad taking Pete's hand and walking out.

I'm finally alone. I sigh. I need to listen to music and relax. My stress levels and depression is getting high and I don't want to freak out. I grab my ipod and listen to Adam's Song By Blink-182. I lay down on my back on the hospital bed. I closed my eyes and started to think.

You had Cancer. You got brain surgery. Your side affects is lost in color sight and your right leg. Maybe the depression. Anxiety too maybe. Your father might be secretly dating his best friend. You think that your father should of never adopted you. You think your a waist of space. That you should of died.

I open my eyes. Colorless still. I see nobody. I sigh. I close my eyes.

"your Payton right? " I heard a voice. I pull out my ear plugs and opened my eyes. A boy about 16 is standing by my bed.

" who are you? " I said Stern.

The boy has light colored hair and yellow eyes. He wears dark jeans, dark shirt and dark jacket.

Wait yellow eyes. I see his eye color. It's fucking yellow.

The boy smirks. "I'm your worse nightmare"

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now