Dream In The Car. Part 2 And Meeting People Again!!!

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"Payton, your so young." said the man in the hat.

I run into the bathroom and saw the mirror. I am like 4'5 and I have curly hair and I'm wearing a baseball hat. I'm wearing blue shorts and a white shirt. I'm three years old.... Holy Smokes.... I run back to see the man and my dad talking. I know the hat dude but couldn't put my finger on his name.

"who are you? " I asked. I noticed my voice is different too. That's sucks.

" I'm Patrick, your dad" said the man.

"umm, your not her father I am" said Dad. Patrick? Wait..... Then all my memories came hitting me like a train.

"Patrick, why are you in my dreams? " I asked

" I don't know. I remember taking you... Well the older version of you and laying you down on Joe's couch. I didn't want to wake up you. I knew that your probably tired. Then Joe went to his daughter's bedroom because she was fusing. Then I fell asleep too. And now I'm here. "

I nodded. I grabbed his hand or I mean his pinky finger and pull him to the couch. He sat down and I  sat beside him. My dad sat in the chair. Then mom came and sat down in the other chair. I stood up and looked at my old and new family.

" Mom, dad. Meet Patrick Stump, he is my future dad. He adopted me two days ago. " I said in my stupid baby voice. Mom and dad looked at me like I'm going crazy.

" my name is Payton Leah Stump. I'm 13. Born on September 8th, 2000. I lived in the adoption center for 10 Years till Patrick adopted me" I said closing my eyes and hope that I changed to my 13 year old self. "My mother and father died when I was 3 on September 18th, 2003, both killed in a car accident..... Wait what is today?" I said.

"the 17th why? " said Patrick.

A tear fell down on my cheek. This happens every year. The day before my parents death I have a nightmare or dream of me and my parents. I wipe a tear away.

" wow. " said Patrick.

" What? " I said softly.

" your much older than 3 years old. " said my mom. I look down and see that I have skinny jeans and converse on, my blue panic! Shirt with my cardigan. I pat my head and I sit have my baseball hat on. I sigh.

" I want to wake up. I don't want this dreams anymore " I said with more tears down my face.

" Payton...? " said Dad.

" yes, daddy? " I asked like a three year old who wants to me held.

" maybe it's time to let us go and maybe these dreams will stop. " he said getting up and hugging me.

" I can't... I don't want to " I said. Still crying.

" you need to..... We are gone, Payton... Your not.... Be happy that Patrick took you as a daughter. He going to be there when we aren't..... We are fine, I promise. Your going to be okay, I promise. " he said letting me go. I look at Patrick. He looking at his fingers and playing with them as I have a moment with my family. I hug them both and said

" goodbye "

I looked at Patrick as I stand in front of him.

" it's time to go... Patrick " I said and walking over to the door. Patrick gets up and follows me.

" bye mom, bye dad" I said and walked through the door with Patrick behind me.


I wake up and rub my eyes. I look around and see Patrick waking up too. I look at him in the eyes. He looks at mine. I feel like dying. My parents are dead, everyone hates but a few ppl. (3 ppl), I feel tears going down my face. Great im crying! Patrick gets off the other couch and hugs me. I cry and cry and cry into his chest. He rubs circles on my back to calm me down. After sobbing for 10 minutes I have a sudden eager to cut myself again but I'm a Joe's home. I have to wait till I'm home. I lift my head up and look at Patrick.

"you okay, Pay? " said Patrick. I nod. He wipes a tear off my cheek that I missed. He hugs me again. I hug back. Then I hear footsteps. I pull away from Patrick and Joe holding his baby girl. Ruby.

" Hey Payton, I'm Joe and this is Ruby. " he said smiling.

" hi, Joe, cute kid" I said softly.

"thanks " he said sitting down where Patrick was sleeping at. Ruby was drinking a bottle of milk that Joe must of got her.

" So Payton how old are you? " said Joe.

" 13 sir. " I said Then a guy in tattoos and basketball shorts and no shirt came through the door and said "Joseph!"

Joseph shook his head.

"Andrew? " said Joe

" Patrick! " said Andy Hurley.

" Andrew? " said Patrick

" Kid I never met! " said Andy.

" Andrew " I said smiling a little.

Andrew sat beside Joe and Ruby. "Hey little Roo." said Andy smiling like crazy. Then he looks at Me.

"Hi, I'm Andy and you already knew that, haha" he said

"Payton Stump, sir " I said putting my hand out. He shook my hand.

" I-I thought you would be more quite but I might be wrong. " I said to Andy

" I am in public, not at Joe's place or Pete's or Trick's. " he explained.

I nod. I looked at Patrick. He smiled at me. I tried to put a small smile on but I still feel worse than ever. I looked at Joe and Ruby. Joe is patting her back. She burbs softly. I smiled. Joe lays her down in his arms.

It's silence. Awkward silence. Then Andy spoke up.

"hey Payton tell me something about yourself!" he said excited like.

I told him the same stuff I told Patrick and Pete.. But not the depression or cutting.. I still need to tell Patrick about that Stuff.

Andy smiled when I told him that I want to play drums. Patrick said he will teach me too. Joe laughed when I told him that this is a whole new experience for me. I mean come on Patrick freaking Stump is my Idol and Dad! He's the one that teached me that I should treat life better than it treats me.


So sorry for the late update I didn't mean to be late and it being short. I'm so busy lately.

Sorry ILY my little Stumpies!

-Stef or SpotlightStump

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