Emotions Take Us All.

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Payton's Pov

"Do you like my stupid hair? Would you guess that I wouldn't know what you wear? I'm to scare of what you think. You make me nervous so really can't eat. " I sing along to First Date by Blink-182

" Can you stop please? " sassed yellow eyed Declan.

" try and stop me, crabby pants. " I sass. He snorts. I roll my eyes.

I continue singing. Declan is getting mad as I go. I'm almost done with the song when my Ipod exploded.

" dude!! What the hell!!! " I yelled.

Declan rubs his temples on his head. I hear him counting "1 2 3. 1 2 3. 1 2 3." he sighs and looks at me. His yellow eyes have lots of rage. He seems clam but still pissed off.

"dude! You never answered my question! " I said loudly.

" SHUT UP! " he yelled. I jumped. Anger hits him. I watch him walk out my room and down the halls of the hospital. I grab my crutches and go after him. When I got down past my room he was gone. I sigh.

" Payton! "

I turn around and see Joe.

" Joe! " I said walking up to him.

" What are you doing? " he asked me.

" I-I... I don't know... Hey do you know when my father is coming back from his date with Pete? "

" he coming later... " said Joe. I nod. I'm a little upset that Patrick has been with Pete more than me and I'm his daughter that got cancer. I sigh. I look away and go back to my room. Joe follows. To be honest with you Joe and Andy has been with me more than Patrick has.

I climbed into my bed. I lift my left leg up to my body. Voices race in my mind. Does Patrick not love me? Will God command Declan to kill me? Will I ever be okay? So many things have happened to me that I'm sure that evil has happened more than good.

"Joe? " I asked him.

" yes, Pay? " he said.

" can you grab my phone? "

" Sure " he hands it to me." Payton are.... Are you okay? " he asked me.

I look at him... Grey and white, and black. No color.

I nod. But I'm lying. I'm not okay.

" okay " he said and sat down on the couch. This is a room for people that will be staying for awhile awhile.

I pull headphones in and listened to Adam's Song. I let a few tears go down my cheek as I slowly fall asleep.

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